สั่งพิมพ์รายงานผู้ป่วยนอกและผู้ป่วยใน ที่ส่งต่อไปยังสถานบริการอื่น แล้วขึ้น Error ตามภาพที่แนบมาให้ จะแก้ไขอย่างไรครับ
EurekaLog 6.0.6
1.1 Start Date : Mon, 5 Nov 2007 14:02:35 +0700
1.2 Name/Description: HOSMy.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 21:26:50 +0700
1.6 Up Time : 7 minutes, 57 seconds
2.1 Date : Mon, 5 Nov 2007 14:10:33 +0700
2.2 Address : 006B9764
2.3 Module Name : HOSMy.exe
2.4 Module Version:
2.5 Type : EOleException
2.6 Message : SQL Error:_You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'declare @bd datetime
declare @ed datetime
set @bd='2007-11-01'
set @ed='2007-' at line 1.
2.7 ID : 155B
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :
3.1 ID : CENTER9
3.2 Name : MoZarD
3.3 Email :
3.4 Company : LiteOS
3.5 Privileges: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege - ON
SeSecurityPrivilege - OFF
SeBackupPrivilege - OFF
SeRestorePrivilege - OFF
SeSystemtimePrivilege - OFF
SeShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege - OFF
SeDebugPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemProfilePrivilege - OFF
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege - OFF
SeLoadDriverPrivilege - ON
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege - OFF
SeUndockPrivilege - ON
SeManageVolumePrivilege - OFF
SeImpersonatePrivilege - ON
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege - ON
Active Controls:
4.1 Form Class : TReportPrintForm
4.2 Form Text : Prepare to Print Report
4.3 Control Class: TSeSkinButton
4.4 Control Text :
5.1 Name : CENTER9
5.2 Total Memory : 511 Mb
5.3 Free Memory : 176 Mb
5.4 Total Disk : 55.22 Gb
5.5 Free Disk : 24.69 Gb
5.6 System Up Time: 4 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
5.7 Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
5.8 Display Mode : 1024 x 768, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (driver - RAM 128 MB)
5.11 Printer : hp LaserJet 1160 (driver 5.2.3790.184)
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build # : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 2
6.4 Language: Thai
6.5 Charset : 222
7.1 IP Address: -
7.2 Submask : -
7.3 Gateway : -
7.4 DNS 1 : -
7.5 DNS 2 : -
7.6 DHCP : ON - ON
Custom Information:
8.1 Hospital Code : 10755 [âç¾ÂÒºÒžÃÐÊÁØ·Ã਴ÕÂìÊÇÒ·ÂÒ¹¹·ì]
8.2 Database Type : MySQL
8.3 Database Protocol : mysql-4.1 [5.0.37-standard
Database jd @]
8.4 :
8.5 No 1 : declare @bd datetime
declare @ed datetime
set @bd='2007-11-01'
set @ed='2007-11-05'
select @bd as bdate,@ed as edate,rtrim(pt.pname)+' '+rtrim(pt.fname)+' '+rtrim(pt.lname) ptname,rc.name rfrname,icd.name dxname,ov.*,
rtrim(hc.hosptype)+rtrim(hc.name) ohname
from ovst ov
left outer join patient pt on pt.hn=ov.hn
left outer join rfrcs rc on rc.rfrcs=ov.rfrocs
left outer join hospcode hc on hc.hospcode=ov.rfrolct
left outer join ovstdiag dx on dx.hn=ov.hn and dx.vstdate=ov.vstdate and dx.vsttime=ov.vsttime and dx.diagtype='1'
left outer join icd101 icd on icd.code=dx.icd10
where ov.vstdate>=@bd and ov.vstdate<=@ed
and ov.pttype in ('42','45','46','47','48','50','51','52','61','62','63','64')
and ov.rfrolct='2007-11-01'
order by ov.vstdate,pt.fname
8.6 No 2 : select * from reporttemplate where name='OPD Detail Refer Report'
8.7 No 3 : select * from reporttemplate where name='OPD Detail Refer Report'
8.8 DBMS Variables :
8.9 :
8.10 auto_increment_increment: 1
auto_increment_offset = 1
automatic_sp_privileges = ON
back_log = 50
basedir = /
binlog_cache_size = 32768
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 8388608
character_set_client = tis620
character_set_connection = tis620
character_set_database = tis620
character_set_filesystem = binary
character_set_results = tis620
character_set_server = tis620
character_set_system = utf8
character_sets_dir = /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation_connection = tis620_thai_ci
collation_database = tis620_thai_ci
collation_server = tis620_thai_ci
completion_type = 0
concurrent_insert = 1
connect_timeout = 5
datadir = /var/lib/mysql/
date_format = %Y-%m-%d
datetime_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
default_week_format = 0
delay_key_write = ON
delayed_insert_limit = 100
delayed_insert_timeout = 300
delayed_queue_size = 1000
div_precision_increment = 4
engine_condition_pushdown = OFF
expire_logs_days = 0
flush = OFF
flush_time = 0
ft_boolean_syntax = + -><()~*:""&|
ft_max_word_len = 84
ft_min_word_len = 4
ft_query_expansion_limit = 20
ft_stopword_file = (built-in)
group_concat_max_len = 1024
have_archive = YES
have_bdb = NO
have_blackhole_engine = NO
have_compress = YES
have_crypt = YES
have_csv = NO
have_dynamic_loading = NO
have_example_engine = NO
have_federated_engine = NO
have_geometry = YES
have_innodb = YES
have_isam = NO
have_merge_engine = YES
have_ndbcluster = NO
have_openssl = NO
have_query_cache = YES
have_raid = NO
have_rtree_keys = YES
have_symlink = YES
init_connect = SET NAMES tis620
init_file =
init_slave =
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20971520
innodb_autoextend_increment = 8
innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb = 0
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 268435456
innodb_checksums = ON
innodb_commit_concurrency = 0
innodb_concurrency_tickets = 500
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_doublewrite = ON
innodb_fast_shutdown = 1
innodb_file_io_threads = 4
innodb_file_per_table = ON
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
innodb_flush_method =
innodb_force_recovery = 0
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = OFF
innodb_log_arch_dir = /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_log_archive = OFF
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8388608
innodb_log_file_size = 67108864
innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90
innodb_max_purge_lag = 0
innodb_mirrored_log_groups = 1
innodb_open_files = 300
innodb_rollback_on_timeout = OFF
innodb_support_xa = ON
innodb_sync_spin_loops = 20
innodb_table_locks = ON
innodb_thread_concurrency = 8
innodb_thread_sleep_delay = 10000
interactive_timeout = 28800
join_buffer_size = 131072
key_buffer_size = 268435456
key_cache_age_threshold = 300
key_cache_block_size = 1024
key_cache_division_limit = 100
language = /usr/share/mysql/english/
large_files_support = ON
large_page_size = 0
large_pages = OFF
lc_time_names = en_US
license = GPL
local_infile = ON
locked_in_memory = OFF
log = OFF
log_bin = OFF
log_bin_trust_function_creators = OFF
log_error =
log_queries_not_using_indexes = OFF
log_slave_updates = OFF
log_slow_queries = OFF
log_warnings = 1
long_query_time = 10
low_priority_updates = OFF
lower_case_file_system = OFF
lower_case_table_names = 0
max_allowed_packet = 16776192
max_binlog_cache_size = 4294967295
max_binlog_size = 1073741824
max_connect_errors = 10
max_connections = 100
max_delayed_threads = 20
max_error_count = 64
max_heap_table_size = 16777216
max_insert_delayed_threads = 20
max_join_size = 18446744073709551615
max_length_for_sort_data = 1024
max_prepared_stmt_count = 16382
max_relay_log_size = 0
max_seeks_for_key = 4294967295
max_sort_length = 1024
max_sp_recursion_depth = 0
max_tmp_tables = 32
max_user_connections = 0
max_write_lock_count = 4294967295
multi_range_count = 256
myisam_data_pointer_size = 6
myisam_max_sort_file_size = 2147483647
myisam_recover_options = OFF
myisam_repair_threads = 1
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 67108864
myisam_stats_method = nulls_unequal
net_buffer_length = 16384
net_read_timeout = 30
net_retry_count = 10
net_write_timeout = 60
new = OFF
old_passwords = OFF
open_files_limit = 1024
optimizer_prune_level = 1
optimizer_search_depth = 62
pid_file = /var/lib/mysql/hosxp.pid
port = 3306
preload_buffer_size = 32768
profiling = OFF
profiling_history_size = 15
protocol_version = 10
query_alloc_block_size = 8192
query_cache_limit = 1048576
query_cache_min_res_unit = 4096
query_cache_size = 16777216
query_cache_type = ON
query_cache_wlock_invalidate = OFF
query_prealloc_size = 8192
range_alloc_block_size = 2048
read_buffer_size = 1044480
read_only = OFF
read_rnd_buffer_size = 4190208
relay_log_purge = ON
relay_log_space_limit = 0
rpl_recovery_rank = 0
secure_auth = OFF
server_id = 1
skip_external_locking = ON
skip_networking = OFF
skip_show_database = OFF
slave_compressed_protocol = OFF
slave_load_tmpdir = /tmp/
slave_net_timeout = 3600
slave_skip_errors = OFF
slave_transaction_retries = 10
slow_launch_time = 2
socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
sort_buffer_size = 1048568
sql_big_selects = ON
sql_mode =
sql_notes = ON
sql_warnings = OFF
ssl_ca =
ssl_capath =
ssl_cert =
ssl_cipher =
ssl_key =
storage_engine = MyISAM
sync_binlog = 0
sync_frm = ON
system_time_zone = ICT
table_cache = 256
table_lock_wait_timeout = 50
table_type = MyISAM
thread_cache_size = 8
thread_stack = 126976
time_format = %H:%i:%s
time_zone = SYSTEM
timed_mutexes = OFF
tmp_table_size = 33554432
tmpdir = /tmp/
transaction_alloc_block_size = 8192
transaction_prealloc_size = 4096
tx_isolation = REPEATABLE-READ
updatable_views_with_limit = YES
version = 5.0.37-standard
version_comment = MySQL Community Edition - Standard (GPL)
version_compile_machine = i686
version_compile_os = pc-linux-gnu
wait_timeout = 28800
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|Running Thread: ID=2336; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00408A09|HOSMy.exe|System | |_CheckAutoResult |138[0] |
|004089F8|HOSMy.exe|System | |_CheckAutoResult |138[0] |
|0137C622|HOSMy.exe|ReportPrintU.pas| |PrintReportWithParam|729[161] |
|0137BF38|HOSMy.exe|ReportPrintU.pas| |PrintReportWithParam|568[0] |
|01A12E5C|HOSMy.exe|MainU.pas |TMainForm |dxBarButton12Click |11632[11]|
|004055BC|HOSMy.exe|System | |_CallDynaInst |138[0] |
|004D5B7F|HOSMy.exe|Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc |5143[83] |
|004D92C0|HOSMy.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |ControlAtPos |7053[0] |
|004D9530|HOSMy.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |IsControlMouseMsg |7124[9] |
|004D58C4|HOSMy.exe|Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc |5060[0] |
|004D9A1D|HOSMy.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc |7246[105]|
|004D9584|HOSMy.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc |7141[0] |
|004D91A8|HOSMy.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |MainWndProc |7021[3] |
|004F3F20|HOSMy.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication|ProcessMessage |7670[23] |
|004F3E24|HOSMy.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication|ProcessMessage |7647[0] |
|004F3F5A|HOSMy.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication|HandleMessage |7689[1] |
|004F3F50|HOSMy.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication|HandleMessage |7688[0] |
|004F417A|HOSMy.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication|Run |7773[16] |
|004F40E4|HOSMy.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication|Run |7757[0] |
|01A577F6|HOSMy.exe|HOSMy.dpr | |Initialization |2500[102]|
Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |
|00340000|Normaliz.dll |Unicode Normalization DLL |6.0.5441.0 |23552 |2006-06-29 08:05:44|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|00400000|HOSMy.exe | | |41995776|2007-08-21 21:26:52|C:\Program Files\HOSxP |
|04780000|ActWndHk.dll | | |27648 |1998-06-08 02:00:00|C:\Program Files\ThaiSoftware Enterprise\ThaiSoftware Dictionary\Bin |
|05340000|libeay32.dll |OpenSSL Shared Library | |1064960 |2005-11-03 11:50:16|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|05450000|libintl-2.dll | | |51016 |2003-02-01 15:51:36|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|05460000|libiconv-2.dll | | |916849 |2003-01-31 18:41:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|05540000|krb5_32.dll |Kerberos v5 - MIT GSS / Kerberos v5 distribution | |524288 |2005-10-12 09:32:32|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|055D0000|ssleay32.dll |OpenSSL Shared Library | |200704 |2005-11-03 11:50:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|07360000|libmysql41.dll | | |1056768 |2004-07-12 14:36:18|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|10000000|UnlockerHook.dll| | |4608 |2006-09-07 13:18:58|C:\Program Files\Unlocker |
|1C000000|comerr32.dll |COM_ERR - Common Error Handler for MIT Kerberos v5 / GSS distribution| |24576 |2005-10-12 08:32:34|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|20000000|xpsp2res.dll |Service Pack 2 Messages |5.1.2600.2180 |9635840 |2007-06-27 07:54:06|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|20B00000|imon.dll |NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support | |298104 |2007-09-27 09:40:06|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|4DE10000|msado15.dll |Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects |2.81.1128.0 |536576 |2007-07-01 17:53:00|C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado |
|4EC50000|gdiplus.dll |Microsoft GDI+ |5.1.3102.2180 |1712128 |2004-08-04 06:57:00|C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.2600.2180_x-ww_522f9f82 |
|58D40000|Wship6.dll |IPv6 Helper DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |14336 |2004-08-04 06:56:48|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|5A730000|wbemdisp.dll |WMI Scripting |5.1.2600.2180 |178176 |2004-08-04 06:56:48|C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem |
|5AD70000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme Library |6.0.2900.2845 |218624 |2007-03-06 21:37:16|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|5B860000|netapi32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL |5.1.2600.2976 |337408 |2007-07-01 17:53:28|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|5DCA0000|iertutil.dll |Run time utility for Internet Explorer |7.0.5730.11 |266752 |2006-10-17 23:57:20|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|5EDD0000|olepro32.dll | |5.1.2600.2180 |83456 |2004-08-04 06:56:46|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|605D0000|mslbui.dll |LangageBar Add In |5.1.2600.2180 |25088 |2004-08-04 06:56:44|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|629C0000|LPK.DLL |Language Pack |5.1.2600.2180 |22016 |2004-08-04 06:56:44|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|63100000|libpq.dll |PostgreSQL Access Library | |175085 |2005-12-10 14:26:46|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|662B0000|hnetcfg.dll |Home Networking Configuration Manager |5.1.2600.2180 |344064 |2004-08-04 06:56:44|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71190000|agentmpx.dll |Microsoft Agent Custom Marshaling Proxy DLL | |49152 |2004-08-04 06:56:42|C:\WINDOWS\msagent |
|711D0000|agentctl.dll |Microsoft Agent Control | |214016 |2004-08-04 06:56:42|C:\WINDOWS\msagent |
|71A50000|mswsock.dll |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |5.1.2600.2180 |245248 |2004-08-04 06:56:46|C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|71A90000|wshtcpip.dll |Windows Sockets Helper DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |2004-08-04 06:56:48|C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |2004-08-04 06:56:48|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71AB0000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |82944 |2004-08-04 06:56:48|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71AD0000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL