ผู้เขียน หัวข้อ: หลังจาก Upgrade Structrue แล้วขึ้นแบบนี้มันปกติมั้ยครับ  (อ่าน 2681 ครั้ง)

0 สมาชิก และ 1 บุคคลทั่วไป กำลังดูหัวข้อนี้

ออฟไลน์ apatnon86

  • Sr. Member
  • ****
  • กระทู้: 410
  • Respect: 0
    • ดูรายละเอียด
เดิมเป็น แล้วเมือ่วันจันทร์ อัพเป็น 53.11.12

พอวันนี้ หลังจาก Upgrade Structrue แล้วขึ้นแบบนี้มันปกติมั้ยครับ

System Message
Table al2dc Has No primary key !!!
Table al2mdc Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_birthcontrol Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_birthcontrol_history Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_delivery Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_family_history Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_ill_history Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_midwife Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_preg_history Has No primary key !!!
Table appserver Has No primary key !!!
Table baby_development_status Has No primary key !!!
Table baby_growth Has No primary key !!!
Table backuplist Has No primary key !!!
Table backupx Has No primary key !!!
Table backupx1 Has No primary key !!!
Table billrece Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_auto_lab Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_cormobidity Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_cormobidity_diabete Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_cormobidity_list Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_dm_member Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_dm_refer_type Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_persist_icd Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_profile Has No primary key !!!
Table code506 Has No primary key !!!
Table comdep Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2ax Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2bimdc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2ccexc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2icd10 Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2mdcpr Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2mscc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2pcom Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2proc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2rw Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2sh Has No primary key !!!
Table cupsmoney Has No primary key !!!
Table cupsname Has No primary key !!!
Table data_system Has No primary key !!!
Table dbaddress Has No primary key !!!
Table dbbranch Has No primary key !!!
Table dbcasue Has No primary key !!!
Table dbchronic Has No primary key !!!
Table dbdrug Has No primary key !!!
Table dbdxtype Has No primary key !!!
Table dbhospital Has No primary key !!!
Table dbinscl Has No primary key !!!
Table dbnation Has No primary key !!!
Table dboccupation Has No primary key !!!
Table dbpeople Has No primary key !!!
Table debtor Has No primary key !!!
Table debtor_dt Has No primary key !!!
Table dentop Has No primary key !!!
Table detail_account Has No primary key !!!
Table devnote Has No primary key !!!
Table doctor_keyword Has No primary key !!!
Table doctorptotlist Has No primary key !!!
Table doctorscreen Has No primary key !!!
Table drgcc Has No primary key !!!
Table drgdxmain Has No primary key !!!
Table drgicd10 Has No primary key !!!
Table drgmdc Has No primary key !!!
Table drgnoncc Has No primary key !!!
Table drgopadd Has No primary key !!!
Table drgopmain Has No primary key !!!
Table drgoutput Has No primary key !!!
Table drgprocedure Has No primary key !!!
Table drgrw Has No primary key !!!
Table drug_group_check Has No primary key !!!
Table drug_user_check Has No primary key !!!
Table drugalias Has No primary key !!!
Table drugbarcode Has No primary key !!!
Table drugbdgtype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugcom Has No primary key !!!
Table drugdepartment Has No primary key !!!
Table drugessential Has No primary key !!!
Table druggpo Has No primary key !!!
Table drugitems_inc Has No primary key !!!
Table drugitems_picture Has No primary key !!!
Table drugjoin Has No primary key !!!
Table drugminp Has No primary key !!!
Table drugminpdt Has No primary key !!!
Table drugminptype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugorderplan Has No primary key !!!
Table drugpaylist Has No primary key !!!
Table drugpayref Has No primary key !!!
Table drugphmtype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugpotype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugptype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugrecipient Has No primary key !!!
Table drugrequestdetail Has No primary key !!!
Table drugrequestsummary Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstickeridr Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstock Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockperson Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockpersontype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockpropose Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockproposedetail Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockproposeorder Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockproposeperson Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstore_detail Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstore_head Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstrength Has No primary key !!!
Table drugsupport Has No primary key !!!
Table drugtempreorder Has No primary key !!!
Table drugusage_default Has No primary key !!!
Table dtacthistory Has No primary key !!!
Table dtapp Has No primary key !!!
Table dtdn Has No primary key !!!
Table dtmain_ipd Has No primary key !!!
Table dtmain_save Has No primary key !!!
Table dttmrpt Has No primary key !!!
Table dw_emr_log Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_advice Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_disease Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_disease_cc Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_disease_habit Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_disease_physical_exam Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_person_habit Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_person_properties Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_physical_exam Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_treatment Has No primary key !!!
Table dxa_vital_sign Has No primary key !!!
Table er_command Has No primary key !!!
Table erais Has No primary key !!!
Table eris Has No primary key !!!
Table eriscode Has No primary key !!!
Table eroprt Has No primary key !!!
Table etl_send_log Has No primary key !!!
Table export Has No primary key !!!
Table factordm Has No primary key !!!
Table family_person Has No primary key !!!
Table ffdeath Has No primary key !!!
Table ffhealthcare Has No primary key !!!
Table ffmember Has No primary key !!!
Table finance_check Has No primary key !!!
Table fpapp Has No primary key !!!
Table fpmain Has No primary key !!!
Table fpspclty Has No primary key !!!
Table gis_amphur Has No primary key !!!
Modify Column ID int on gis_amphur to Primary Key
Table gis_province Has No primary key !!!
Modify Column ID int on gis_province to Primary Key
Table gis_tambol Has No primary key !!!
Modify Column ID int on gis_tambol to Primary Key
Table gis_village Has No primary key !!!
Modify Column ID int on gis_village to Primary Key
Table gpsccode Has No primary key !!!
Table healthoffice_new Has No primary key !!!
Table hinso1 Has No primary key !!!
Table hipdatachw Has No primary key !!!
Table hismember Has No primary key !!!
Table icd10help Has No primary key !!!
Table inc_opd_print Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_demo Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_er Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_injury Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_refer Has No primary key !!!
Table injury Has No primary key !!!
Table intraweb Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_income_auto_charge Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_income_auto_check Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_income_auto_template Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_nutrition Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_nutrition_order Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_pregnancy_deliver_type Has No primary key !!!
Table iptbedmove Has No primary key !!!
Table iptdrugorder Has No primary key !!!
Table iptoprt Has No primary key !!!
Table karaoke Has No primary key !!!
Table kkpopdb Has No primary key !!!
Table kskbackuprule Has No primary key !!!
Table kskdocument Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_routine_result Has No primary key !!!
Table medplan Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_home_image Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_home_water Has No primary key !!!
Table name506_form_image Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_doctor Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_patient Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_patient2 Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_patnew Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_pnhn Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_stock1 Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_table2 Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugdurable Has No primary key !!!
Table ndruggroup Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugitems Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugminp Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugminpdt Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugpaylist Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugpayref Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugstock Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugtempreorder Has No primary key !!!
Table oldpttypeno Has No primary key !!!
Table opdnurse Has No primary key !!!
Table opdoprt Has No primary key !!!
Table opdquickccscreen Has No primary key !!!
Table opdscreen_bp Has No primary key !!!
Table opitemreceh Has No primary key !!!
Table ovaccident Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_ipd_scan Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_nc Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_search Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_child Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_node Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_replicate_cfg Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_replicate_log Has No primary key !!!
Table person_dmht_family Has No primary key !!!
Modify Column person_dmht_family_id int on person_dmht_family to Primary Key
Table person_right_detail Has No primary key !!!
Modify Column person_right_detail_id int on person_right_detail to Primary Key
Table personcardtime Has No primary key !!!
Table personid Has No primary key !!!
Table personsalary Has No primary key !!!
Table presetdosageregimen Has No primary key !!!
Table ptdepart Has No primary key !!!
Table pteroprt Has No primary key !!!
Table pty01 Has No primary key !!!
Table pty78 Has No primary key !!!
Table pty89 Has No primary key !!!
Table qno Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_cfg Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_err Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_lock Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_slave Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_trigger_service Has No primary key !!!
Table rfrcs0 Has No primary key !!!
Table risk_screen_ofc_desc_dept Has No primary key !!!
Table risk_screen_ofc_desc_mins Has No primary key !!!
Table risk_screen_pp_allscreening Has No primary key !!!
Table risk_screen_sso_company Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_accident_code Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_accident_name Has No primary key !!!
Table rtfreport Has No primary key !!!
Table sccredit Has No primary key !!!
Table scguarantorcut Has No primary key !!!
Table sclendmoney Has No primary key !!!
Table scloan Has No primary key !!!
Table scloandt Has No primary key !!!
Table scmember Has No primary key !!!
Table scpay Has No primary key !!!
Table screen_doctor Has No primary key !!!
Table scshare Has No primary key !!!
Table scsystem Has No primary key !!!
Table sigtoidr Has No primary key !!!
Table stat_clinic Has No primary key !!!
Table stockconfig Has No primary key !!!
Table table1 Has No primary key !!!
Table table_stat Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412a061 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412a071 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412a091 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412b031 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412b051 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412b091 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp421d071 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempball1 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempblue_command1 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempcom41 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempdental1 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempmanoi_xp1 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempmanoi_xp2 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempreport Has No primary key !!!
Table test Has No primary key !!!
Table validitaken Has No primary key !!!
Table village_gis_location Has No primary key !!!
Modify Column village_code varchar(10)  on village_gis_location to Primary Key
Table web_board Has No primary key !!!
Table web_conf Has No primary key !!!
Table web_session Has No primary key !!!
Table web_var Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_report_film Has No primary key !!!
Table xrayexam Has No primary key !!!
Drop duplicate primary key unique index datadictionary.ix_fieldname_tablename_unique ["fieldname","tablename"]
Drop duplicate primary key unique index health_med_operation_item_organ.ix_unique ["health_med_operation_item_organ_id","health_med_operation_item_id","health_med_operation_type_id"]


  • บุคคลทั่วไป
Re: หลังจาก Upgrade Structrue แล้วขึ้นแบบนี้มันปกติมั้ยครับ
« ตอบกลับ #1 เมื่อ: ธันวาคม 01, 2010, 16:28:41 PM »
ปกติ ครับ


ออฟไลน์ ไม่เสียสละ ชัยชนะไม่เกิด

  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • กระทู้: 1,267
  • Project Maneger
  • Respect: +2
    • ดูรายละเอียด
Re: หลังจาก Upgrade Structrue แล้วขึ้นแบบนี้มันปกติมั้ยครับ
« ตอบกลับ #2 เมื่อ: ธันวาคม 01, 2010, 16:29:27 PM »
ทำไม่ได้ หรือไม่ได้ทำ
 Project Maneger
Bangkok Medical Software Co., Ltd.
2, 2nd Floor, Soi Suksawat 33,
Suksawat Road, Radburana 10140