ผู้เขียน หัวข้อ: HI 271 Exchange version 0.1  (อ่าน 3456 ครั้ง)

0 สมาชิก และ 1 บุคคลทั่วไป กำลังดูหัวข้อนี้


  • บุคคลทั่วไป
HI 271 Exchange version 0.1
« เมื่อ: ธันวาคม 06, 2006, 05:32:27 AM »
โค๊ด: Pascal
  1. unit StatExchange;
  2. // version 0.1.1
  3. // 2006-09-05
  4. // Chaiyaporn Suratemekul
  5. //  2006-10-28
  6. // Tawee  Supklang  
  8. var StatPath: string;
  10.   MainForm: TForm;
  11.   StartButton: TButton;
  12.   AbortButton: TButton;
  13.   StatusMemo: TMemo;
  14.   FAbort: Boolean;
  15.   StatusLabel : TLabel;
  16.   ErrMemo:TMemo;
  18.   LastErr: string;
  20. implementation
  22. Procedure AddLog(s:string);
  23. begin
  24.   StatusMemo.Lines.Add(formatdatetime('hh:nn:ss',now)+'>'+s);
  26. end;
  28. Procedure CheckErr;
  29. begin
  31.   if LastErr<>'' then
  32.   if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) = 0 then ErrMemo.Lines.Add(formatdatetime('hh:nn:ss',now)+' '+LastErr);
  34. end;
  37. procedure StartExport;
  38. var
  39.   sconnection: string; // variable for hold connection string
  40.   st: string; // variable for hold any string
  41.   tc, StatCDS: Tclientdataset;
  42.   QueueCDS: TClientDataset;
  44. begin
  46.   if StatPath = '' then
  47.   begin
  48.     StatPath := VarToStr(GetSQLData('select statroot from opdconfig'));
  49.     StatusMemo.Lines.Add('Stat Path = ' + statPath);
  50.   end;
  52.   if StatPath = '' then
  53.   begin
  54.     AddLog('Error : no information in opdconfig.statroot');
  55.     exit;
  56.   end;
  61.   sconnection := 'Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=' + StatPath + '\HI\TBL\;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";User ID="";Password="";Mask Password=False;Cache Authentication=False;Encrypt Password=False;Collating Sequence=THAI;DSN=""';
  63.   ado_connection.connected := false;
  65.   ado_connection.connectionstring := sconnection;
  67.   ado_connection.connected := true;
  69.   tc := tclientdataset.create(nil);
  70.   statcds := tclientdataset.create(nil);
  71.  // tc.data:=HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from patient1');
  72.  // StatusMemo.lines.add('Start Import Patient');
  74.   QueueCDS := TClientDataset.create(nil);
  77.   repeat
  79.     QueueCDS.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "OPDCARD" order by queue_date_time');
  81.     while not QueueCDS.eof do
  82.     begin
  83.       LastErr := '';
  84.       AddLog('Edit patient1 ' +  vartostr(strtoint(queuecds.fieldbyname('id').asstring)));
  85.       tc.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from patient where hn = "' + queuecds.fieldbyname('id').asstring+'"');
  87. //      '+ tc.fieldbyname('hn').asinteger+'"'
  88.       statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from pt where hn ='+vartostr(strtoint(tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring)));
  89.       if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then
  90.       begin
  91.         LastErr := '';
  92.         StatusMemo.Lines.Add('======= New Patient ====== [' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring+']');
  93.         AddLog('Insert patient 1 '+tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  94.         try
  96.          ,INFMNAME, PRSNRLT,INFMADDR,INFMTEL,OPDLCT,fdate,ldate,cid_m,cid_f,hmain,hsub,card,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10 )
  97.           values (60610,"1111111111111","pname","fname","lname",{2006/01/01},1,{2006/01/01},"1","",
  98.           "","","403","O","not","22/1","6","02","02","71","","10","1","","","","","","","","","","",{},{},"","","","","000","","","","","","","","","","")');
  99.              except
  100.           on e: exception do
  101.           begin
  102.             LastErr := E.message;
  103.           end;
  104.         end;
  106.         CheckErr;
  109.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from pt where hn =' +vartostr(strtoint(tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring)));
  110. //        if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then StatusMemo.lines.add('Stat Insert Fail !!!');
  112.       end else
  113.       begin
  114.         LastErr := '';
  115.         AddLog('Edit patient1 ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  116.         try
  117.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update pt set sex = "' + vartostr(tc['sex']) + '" , ' +
  118.             'name = "' + vartostr(tc['fname']) + ' ' + vartostr(tc['lname']) + ',' + vartostr(tc['pname']) + '" ,' +
  119.             'birthday = Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ',' +
  120.             formatdatetime('m', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ',' +
  121.             formatdatetime('d', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ') , ' +
  122.             'mother = "' + vartostr(tc['mathername']) + '" , ' +
  123.             'father = "' + vartostr(tc['fathername']) + '"  ' +
  125.             ' where hn = "' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + '" ');
  126.         except
  127.           on e: exception do
  128.           begin
  129.             LastErr := E.message;
  130.           end;
  131.         end;
  133.       end;
  135.       CheckErr;
  136.       statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from patient2 where hn = "' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '"');
  137.       if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then
  138.       begin
  139.         AddLog('Insert patient2 ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  140.         try
  141.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('insert into patient2 (hn,occupa,nation,race,marriage,phone,contact) values ("' + tc['hn'] + '","' +
  143.             vartostr(tc['occupation']) + '", "' +
  144.             tc.fieldbyname('nationality').asstring + '" ,"' +
  145.             tc.fieldbyname('citizenship').asstring + '" ,"' +
  146.             tc.fieldbyname('marrystatus').asstring + '" ,"' +
  147.             tc.fieldbyname('hometel').asstring + '" ,"' +
  148.             tc.fieldbyname('informname').asstring + '" ' +
  150.             ' )');
  151.         except
  152.           on e: exception do
  153.           begin
  154.             LastErr := E.message;
  155.           end;
  156.         end;
  158.         CheckErr;
  159.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from patient2 where hn = "' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '"');
  160.         if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then StatusMemo.lines.add('Stat patient2 Insert Fail !!!');
  162.       end else
  163.       begin
  164.         AddLog('Edit patient2 ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  165.         try
  166.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update patient2 set occupa = "' + vartostr(tc['occupation']) + '" ,' +
  168.             'nation = "' + vartostr(tc['nationality']) + '" , ' +
  169.             'race = "' + vartostr(tc['citizenship']) + '",  ' +
  170.             'marriage = "' + vartostr(tc['marrystatus']) + '",  ' +
  171.             'phone = "' + vartostr(tc['hometel']) + '"  ,' +
  172.             'contact = "' + vartostr(tc['informname']) + '" ' +
  174.             ' where hn = "' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + '" ');
  175.         except
  176.           on e: exception do
  177.           begin
  178.             LastErr := E.message;
  179.           end;
  180.         end;
  182.       end;
  184.       CheckErr;
  185.       statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from contact where hn = "' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '"');
  186.       if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then
  187.       begin
  188.         AddLog('Insert contact ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  189.         try
  190.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('insert into contact (hn,address,village,tambon,ampur,changwat,owner) values ("' + tc['hn'] + '","' +
  192.             vartostr(tc['addrpart']) + '", "' +
  193.             tc.fieldbyname('moopart').asstring + '" ,"' +
  194.             tc.fieldbyname('tmbpart').asstring + '" ,"' +
  195.             tc.fieldbyname('amppart').asstring + '" ,"' +
  196.             tc.fieldbyname('chwpart').asstring + '" ,"' +
  197.             '1' + '" ' +
  199.             ' )');
  200.         except
  201.           on e: exception do
  202.           begin
  203.             LastErr := E.message;
  204.           end;
  205.         end;
  207.         CheckErr;
  208.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from contact where hn = "' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '"');
  209.         if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then StatusMemo.lines.add('Stat contact Insert Fail !!!');
  211.       end else
  212.       begin
  213.         LastErr := '';
  214.         AddLog('Edit contact ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  215.         try
  216.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update contact set address = "' + vartostr(tc['addrpart']) + '" ,' +
  218.             'village = "' + vartostr(tc['moopart']) + '" , ' +
  219.             'tambon = "' + vartostr(tc['tmbpart']) + '",  ' +
  220.             'ampur = "' + vartostr(tc['amppart']) + '",  ' +
  221.             'changwat = "' + vartostr(tc['chwpart']) + '"  ,' +
  222.             'owner = "1" ' +
  224.             ' where hn = "' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + '" and owner="1" ');
  225.         except
  226.           on e: exception do
  227.           begin
  228.             LastErr := E.message;
  229.           end;
  230.         end;
  232.       end;
  234.       CheckErr;
  236.       QueueCDS.edit;
  237.       QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger := QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger + 1;
  238.       if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) > 0 then QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger:= QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger+1;
  239.       QueueCDs.post;
  241.       QueueCDS.next;
  242.     end;
  244.     if QueueCDs.ChangeCount > 0 then
  245.       HOSxP_updateDelta(Queuecds.Delta, 'select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "OPDCARD" order by queue_date_time');
  247.   until ((QueueCDS.RecordCount = 0) or FAbort);
  250.   repeat
  251.     QueueCDS.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "VISIT" order by queue_date_time');
  253.     while not QueueCDS.Eof do
  254.     begin
  255.       LastErr := '';
  256.       sconnection := 'Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=' + StatPath + '\PUB;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";User ID="";Password="";Mask Password=False;Cache Authentication=False;Encrypt Password=False;Collating Sequence=THAI;DSN=""';
  258.       ado_connection.connected := false;
  260.       ado_connection.connectionstring := sconnection;
  262.       ado_connection.connected := true;
  264.       tc.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from vn_stat where vn = "' + QueueCDS.fieldbyname('id').asstring + '"');
  265.       if tc.recordcount > 0 then
  266.       begin
  267.         LastErr := '';
  268.         StatusMemo.Lines.add('===== New Visit =====');
  269.         AddLog('Edit patient1 class ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  270.         try
  271.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update patient1 set class = "' + vartostr(tc['pttype']) + '"  ' +
  273.             ' where hn = "' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + '" ');
  274.         except
  275.           on e: exception do
  276.           begin
  277.             LastErr := E.message;
  278.           end;
  279.         end;
  281.         CheckErr;
  284.         //check insurelog
  285.         sconnection := 'Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=' + StatPath + '\CREDIT\DATA;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";User ID="";Password="";Mask Password=False;Cache Authentication=False;Encrypt Password=False;Collating Sequence=THAI;DSN=""';
  289.         ado_connection.connected := false;
  291.         ado_connection.connectionstring := sconnection;
  293.         ado_connection.connected := true;
  296.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from insurlog where hn = "' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '"');
  299.         if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then
  300.       begin
  301.         LastErr := '';
  302.         AddLog('Insert insurlog ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  304.         try
  305.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('insert into insurlog (hn,subtype,inscl,cid,hospmain,hospsub,name,datein,dateexp,notedate,note,recordby,verifyby) values ("' +
  306.             tc['hn'] + '","' +
  307.             vartostr(tc['pcode']) + '", "' +
  308.             tc.fieldbyname('pttype').asstring + '" ,"' +
  309.             tc.fieldbyname('pttypeno').asstring + '" ,"' +
  310.             tc.fieldbyname('hospmain').asstring + '" ,"' +
  311.             tc.fieldbyname('hospsub').asstring + '" ,"' +
  312.             vartostr(getsqldata('select concat(fname," ",lname,",",pname) as name from patient where hn="'+tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring+'"')) + '", ' +
  313.             ' Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', date) + ',' +
  314.             formatdatetime('m', date) + ',' +
  315.             formatdatetime('d', date) + ') , '+
  317.             ' Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', date) + ',' +
  318.             formatdatetime('m', date) + ',' +
  319.             formatdatetime('d', date) + ') , '+
  321.             ' Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', date) + ',' +
  322.             formatdatetime('m', date) + ',' +
  323.             formatdatetime('d', date) + ')  ,'+
  325.             ' " " ,'+ // note
  326.             ' "HOSxP" , '+ //   recordby
  327.             ' "HOSxP" '+ // verifyby
  329.             ' )');
  330.         except
  331.           on e: exception do
  332.           begin
  333.             LastErr := E.message;
  334.           end;
  335.         end;
  337.         CheckErr;
  339.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from insurlog where hn = "' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '"');
  340.         if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then ErrMemo.lines.add('Stat insurlog Insert Fail !!!');
  342.       end else
  343.       begin
  344.         LastErr := '';
  345.         AddLog('Edit insurlog ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  346.         try
  347.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update insurlog set subtype = "' + vartostr(tc['pcode']) + '" ,' +
  349.             'inscl = "' + vartostr(tc['pttype']) + '" , ' +
  350.             'cid = "' + vartostr(tc['pttypeno']) + '",  ' +
  351.             'hospmain = "' + vartostr(tc['hospmain']) + '",  ' +
  352.             'hospsub = "' + vartostr(tc['hospsub']) + '"  ,' +
  353.             'name = "' + vartostr(getsqldata('select concat(fname," ",lname,",",pname) as name from patient where hn="'+tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring+'"')) + '" ' +
  355.             ' where hn = "' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + '" ');
  356.         except
  357.           on e: exception do
  358.           begin
  359.             LastErr := E.message;
  360.           end;
  361.         end;
  363.         CheckErr;
  365.       end;
  372.       end;
  375.      // if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) > 0 then
  376.      // begin
  378.       QueueCDS.edit;
  379.       QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger := QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger + 1;
  380.       if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) > 0 then QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger:= QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger+1;
  382.       QueueCDs.post;
  383.       QueueCDS.next;
  385.       //end;
  386.     end;
  389.     if QueueCDs.ChangeCount > 0 then
  390.       HOSxP_updateDelta(Queuecds.Delta, 'select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "VISIT" order by queue_date_time');
  394.   until ((QueueCDS.RecordCount = 0) or FAbort);
  396.   ado_connection.connected := false;
  398.   tc.free;
  399.   queuecds.free;
  400.   statcds.free;
  401.  // StatusMemo.lines.add('Patient Export Done.');
  403.   if StatusMemo.lines.count > 1000 then Statusmemo.lines.clear;
  405. end;
  407. procedure StartButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  408. var Tk: LongInt;
  409. begin
  410.   StartButton.enabled := false;
  411.   AbortButton.enabled:=true;
  412.   FAbort := false;
  413.   while not FAbort do
  414.   begin
  415.     StatusLabel.caption:=formatdatetime('dd/mm/ee hh:nn:ss',now);
  416.     StartExport;
  417.     tk := GetTickCount;
  419.     repeat
  420.       application.processmessages;
  421.     until ((GetTickCount - Tk) > 3000);
  422.   end;
  423.   startButton.enabled := true;
  425. end;
  427. procedure AbortButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  428. begin
  430.   FAbort := true;
  431.   AbortButton.enabled:=false;
  433. end;
  436. procedure Main;
  439. begin
  441.   MainForm := TForm.Create(nil);
  442.   MainForm.top := 200;
  443.   MainForm.left := 200;
  444.   MainForm.Width := 750;
  445.   MainForm.Height := 400;
  447.   StartButton := TButton.Create(MainForm);
  448.   StartButton.parent := mainForm;
  449.   startButton.left := 30;
  450.   StartButton.top := 20;
  451.   StartButton.Width := 100;
  452.   StartButton.caption := 'Start';
  453.   StartButton.OnClick := StartButtonClick;
  455.   AbortButton := TButton.Create(MainForm);
  456.   AbortButton.parent := mainForm;
  457.   AbortButton.left := 140;
  458.   AbortButton.top := 20;
  459.   AbortButton.Width := 100;
  460.   AbortButton.caption := 'Abort';
  461.   AbortButton.OnClick := AbortButtonClick;
  462.   AbortButton.enabled:=false;
  464.   StatusMemo := TMemo.create(MainForm);
  465.   StatusMemo.parent := MainForm;
  466.   StatusMemo.left := 30;
  467.   Statusmemo.top := 50;
  468.   Statusmemo.width := 300;
  469.   StatusMemo.height := 300;
  471.   ErrMemo := TMemo.create(MainForm);
  472.   ErrMemo.parent := MainForm;
  473.   ErrMemo.left:=350;
  474.   ErrMemo.top:=50;
  475.   ErrMemo.width := 300;
  476.   ErrMemo.Height := 300;
  478.   StatusLabel := TLabel.create(Mainform);
  479.   STatusLabel.parent:=Mainform;
  480.   StatusLabel.left:=280;
  481.   StatusLabel.top := 20;
  482.   StatusLabel.caption:='Status';
  484.   MainForm.Caption := 'HI 271 Exchange version 0.1';
  486.   MainForm.Showmodal;
  487.   MainForm.free;
  494. end;
  497. end.
  502. end.


  • บุคคลทั่วไป
Re: HI 271 Exchange version 0.1
« ตอบกลับ #1 เมื่อ: ธันวาคม 06, 2006, 12:28:52 PM »
โค๊ด: Pascal
  1. unit StatExchange;
  2. // version 0.1.1
  3. // 2006-09-05
  4. // Chaiyaporn Suratemekul
  5. //  2006-10-28
  6. // Tawee  Supklang  
  8. var StatPath: string;
  10.   MainForm: TForm;
  11.   StartButton: TButton;
  12.   AbortButton: TButton;
  13.   StatusMemo: TMemo;
  14.   FAbort: Boolean;
  15.   StatusLabel : TLabel;
  16.   ErrMemo:TMemo;
  18.   LastErr: string;
  20. implementation
  22. Procedure AddLog(s:string);
  23. begin
  24.   StatusMemo.Lines.Add(formatdatetime('hh:nn:ss',now)+'>'+s);
  26. end;
  28. Procedure CheckErr;
  29. begin
  31.   if LastErr<>'' then
  32.   if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) = 0 then ErrMemo.Lines.Add(formatdatetime('hh:nn:ss',now)+' '+LastErr);
  34. end;
  37. procedure StartExport;
  38. var
  39.   sconnection: string; // variable for hold connection string
  40.   st: string; // variable for hold any string
  41.   tc, StatCDS: Tclientdataset;
  42.   QueueCDS: TClientDataset;
  44. begin
  46.   if StatPath = '' then
  47.   begin
  48.     StatPath := VarToStr(GetSQLData('select statroot from opdconfig'));
  49.     StatusMemo.Lines.Add('Stat Path = ' + statPath);
  50.   end;
  52.   if StatPath = '' then
  53.   begin
  54.     AddLog('Error : no information in opdconfig.statroot');
  55.     exit;
  56.   end;
  61.   sconnection := 'Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=' + StatPath + '\HI\TBL\;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";User ID="";Password="";Mask Password=False;Cache Authentication=False;Encrypt Password=False;Collating Sequence=THAI;DSN=""';
  63.   ado_connection.connected := false;
  65.   ado_connection.connectionstring := sconnection;
  67.   ado_connection.connected := true;
  69.   tc := tclientdataset.create(nil);
  70.   statcds := tclientdataset.create(nil);
  71.  // tc.data:=HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from patient1');
  72.  // StatusMemo.lines.add('Start Import Patient');
  74.   QueueCDS := TClientDataset.create(nil);
  77.   repeat
  79.     QueueCDS.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "OPDCARD" order by queue_date_time');
  81.     while not QueueCDS.eof do
  82.     begin
  83.       LastErr := '';
  84. //      AddLog('Edit patient1 ' +  vartostr(strtoint(queuecds.fieldbyname('id').asstring)));
  85.       tc.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from patient where hn = "' + queuecds.fieldbyname('id').asstring+'"');
  87. //      '+ tc.fieldbyname('hn').asinteger+'"'
  88.       statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from pt where hn ='+vartostr(strtoint(tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring)));
  89.       if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then
  90.       begin
  91.         LastErr := '';
  92.         StatusMemo.Lines.Add('======= New PT ====== [' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring+']');
  93.         AddLog('Insert patient 1 '+tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  94.         try
  96.          ,INFMNAME, PRSNRLT,INFMADDR,INFMTEL,OPDLCT,fdate,ldate,cid_m,cid_f,hmain,hsub,card,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10 )
  97.           values ('+tc['hn']+',"'+vartostr(tc['cid'])+'","'+tc['pname']+'","'+tc['fname']+'","'+tc['lname']+'",'+
  99.             ' Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ',' +
  100.             formatdatetime('m', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ',' +
  101.             formatdatetime('d', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ') , '+
  104.            '1,{2006/01/01},"'+vartostr(tc['sex'])+'","",
  105.           "","","403","O","not","22/1","6","02","02","71","","10","1","","","","","","","","","","",{},{},"","","","","000","","","","","","","","","","")');
  106.           except
  107.           on e: exception do
  108.           begin
  109.             LastErr := E.message;
  110.           end;
  111.         end;
  113.         CheckErr;
  116.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from pt where hn =' +vartostr(strtoint(tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring)));
  117. //        if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then StatusMemo.lines.add('Stat Insert Fail !!!');
  119.       end else
  120.       begin
  121.         LastErr := '';
  122.         AddLog('Edit PT ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  123.         try
  124.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update pt set MALE = "' + vartostr(tc['sex']) + '" , ' +
  125. //           'fname = "' + vartostr(tc['fname']) + ' ' + vartostr(tc['lname']) + ',' + vartostr(tc['pname']) + '" ,' +
  126.             'pname = "'+vartostr(tc['pname'])+'" , ' +
  127.             'fname = "'+vartostr(tc['fname'])+'" , ' +
  128.             'lname = "'+vartostr(tc['lname'])+'" , ' +
  129.            'brthdate = Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ',' +
  130.           formatdatetime('m', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ',' +
  131.           formatdatetime('d', tc.fieldbyname('birthday').asdatetime) + ') , ' +
  132.           'mthname = "' + vartostr(tc['mathername']) + '" , ' +
  133.           'fthname = "' + vartostr(tc['fathername']) + '"  ' +
  135.             ' where hn = ' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + '');
  136.         except
  137.           on e: exception do
  138.           begin
  139.             LastErr := E.message;
  140.           end;
  141.         end;
  143.       end;
  146.       CheckErr;
  148.       QueueCDS.edit;
  149.       QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger := QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger + 1;
  150.       if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) > 0 then QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger:= QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger+1;
  151.       QueueCDs.post;
  153.       QueueCDS.next;
  154.     end;
  156.     if QueueCDs.ChangeCount > 0 then
  157.       HOSxP_updateDelta(Queuecds.Delta, 'select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "OPDCARD" order by queue_date_time');
  159.   until ((QueueCDS.RecordCount = 0) or FAbort);
  162.   repeat
  163.     QueueCDS.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "VISIT" order by queue_date_time');
  165.     while not QueueCDS.Eof do
  166.     begin
  167.       LastErr := '';
  168.       sconnection := 'Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=' + StatPath + '\HI\TBL\;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";User ID="";Password="";Mask Password=False;Cache Authentication=False;Encrypt Password=False;Collating Sequence=THAI;DSN=""';
  170.       ado_connection.connected := false;
  172.       ado_connection.connectionstring := sconnection;
  174.       ado_connection.connected := true;
  176.       tc.data := HOSxP_GetDataset('select * from vn_stat where vn = "' + QueueCDS.fieldbyname('id').asstring + '"');
  177.       if tc.recordcount > 0 then
  178.       begin
  179.         LastErr := '';
  180.         StatusMemo.Lines.add('===== New Visit =====');
  181.         AddLog('Edit insure pttype ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  182.         try
  183.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update insure set pttype = "' + vartostr(tc['pttype']) + '"  ' +
  185.             ' where hn = ' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + '');
  186.         except
  187.           on e: exception do
  188.           begin
  189.             LastErr := E.message;
  190.           end;
  191.         end;
  193.         CheckErr;
  196.         //check insurelog
  197.         sconnection := 'Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=' + StatPath + '\HI\TBL\;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";User ID="";Password="";Mask Password=False;Cache Authentication=False;Encrypt Password=False;Collating Sequence=THAI;DSN=""';
  201.         ado_connection.connected := false;
  203.         ado_connection.connectionstring := sconnection;
  205.         ado_connection.connected := true;
  208.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from insure where hn = ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '');
  211.         if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then
  212.       begin
  213.         LastErr := '';
  214.         AddLog('Insert insure ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  216.         try
  217.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('insert into insure (hn,subtype,inscl,cid,hospmain,hospsub,name,datein,dateexp,notedate,note,recordby,verifyby) values ("' +
  218.             tc['hn'] + '","' +
  219.             vartostr(tc['pcode']) + '", "' +
  220.             tc.fieldbyname('pttype').asstring + '" ,"' +
  221.             tc.fieldbyname('pttypeno').asstring + '" ,"' +
  222.             tc.fieldbyname('hospmain').asstring + '" ,"' +
  223.             tc.fieldbyname('hospsub').asstring + '" ,"' +
  224.             vartostr(getsqldata('select concat(fname," ",lname,",",pname) as name from patient where hn="'+tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring+'"')) + '", ' +
  225.             ' Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', date) + ',' +
  226.             formatdatetime('m', date) + ',' +
  227.             formatdatetime('d', date) + ') , '+
  229.             ' Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', date) + ',' +
  230.             formatdatetime('m', date) + ',' +
  231.             formatdatetime('d', date) + ') , '+
  233.             ' Date(' + formatdatetime('yyyy', date) + ',' +
  234.             formatdatetime('m', date) + ',' +
  235.             formatdatetime('d', date) + ')  ,'+
  237.             ' " " ,'+ // note
  238.             ' "HOSxP" , '+ //   recordby
  239.             ' "HOSxP" '+ // verifyby
  241.             ' )');
  242.         except
  243.           on e: exception do
  244.           begin
  245.             LastErr := E.message;
  246.           end;
  247.         end;
  249.         CheckErr;
  251.         statcds.data := HOSxP_GetADODataset('select count(*) as cc from insure where hn = ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring + '');
  252.         if statcds.fieldbyname('cc').asinteger = 0 then ErrMemo.lines.add('Stat insurlog Insert Fail !!!');
  254.       end else
  255.       begin
  256.         LastErr := '';
  257.         AddLog('Edit insurlog ' + tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring);
  258.         try
  259.           HOSxP_GetADODataset('update insure set pttype = "' + vartostr(tc['pttype']) + '" ,' +
  261.             'pop_id = "' + vartostr(tc['cid']) + '" , ' +
  262.             'card_id = "' + vartostr(tc['pttypeno']) + '",  ' +
  263.             'hospmain = "' + vartostr(tc['hospmain']) + '",  ' +
  264.             'hospsub = "' + vartostr(tc['hospsub']) + '"  ,' +
  265.             'note = "' + vartostr(getsqldata('select concat(fname," ",lname,",",pname) as name from patient where hn="'+tc.fieldbyname('hn').asstring+'"')) + '" ' +
  267.             ' where hn = ' + vartostr(tc['hn']) + ' ');
  268.         except
  269.           on e: exception do
  270.           begin
  271.             LastErr := E.message;
  272.           end;
  273.         end;
  275.         CheckErr;
  277.       end;
  284.       end;
  287.      // if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) > 0 then
  288.      // begin
  290.       QueueCDS.edit;
  291.       QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger := QueueCDS.fieldbyname('process_count').asinteger + 1;
  292.       if Pos('CommandText', LastErr) > 0 then QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger:= QueueCDS.fieldbyname('error').asinteger+1;
  294.       QueueCDs.post;
  295.       QueueCDS.next;
  297.       //end;
  298.     end;
  301.     if QueueCDs.ChangeCount > 0 then
  302.       HOSxP_updateDelta(Queuecds.Delta, 'select * from stat_queue where process_count = 0 and queue_type = "VISIT" order by queue_date_time');
  306.   until ((QueueCDS.RecordCount = 0) or FAbort);
  308.   ado_connection.connected := false;
  310.   tc.free;
  311.   queuecds.free;
  312.   statcds.free;
  313.  // StatusMemo.lines.add('Patient Export Done.');
  315.   if StatusMemo.lines.count > 1000 then Statusmemo.lines.clear;
  317. end;
  319. procedure StartButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  320. var Tk: LongInt;
  321. begin
  322.   StartButton.enabled := false;
  323.   AbortButton.enabled:=true;
  324.   FAbort := false;
  325.   while not FAbort do
  326.   begin
  327.     StatusLabel.caption:=formatdatetime('dd/mm/ee hh:nn:ss',now);
  328.     StartExport;
  329.     tk := GetTickCount;
  331.     repeat
  332.       application.processmessages;
  333.     until ((GetTickCount - Tk) > 3000);
  334.   end;
  335.   startButton.enabled := true;
  337. end;
  339. procedure AbortButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  340. begin
  342.   FAbort := true;
  343.   AbortButton.enabled:=false;
  345. end;
  348. procedure Main;
  351. begin
  353.   MainForm := TForm.Create(nil);
  354.   MainForm.top := 200;
  355.   MainForm.left := 200;
  356.   MainForm.Width := 750;
  357.   MainForm.Height := 400;
  359.   StartButton := TButton.Create(MainForm);
  360.   StartButton.parent := mainForm;
  361.   startButton.left := 30;
  362.   StartButton.top := 20;
  363.   StartButton.Width := 100;
  364.   StartButton.caption := 'Start';
  365.   StartButton.OnClick := StartButtonClick;
  367.   AbortButton := TButton.Create(MainForm);
  368.   AbortButton.parent := mainForm;
  369.   AbortButton.left := 140;
  370.   AbortButton.top := 20;
  371.   AbortButton.Width := 100;
  372.   AbortButton.caption := 'Abort';
  373.   AbortButton.OnClick := AbortButtonClick;
  374.   AbortButton.enabled:=false;
  376.   StatusMemo := TMemo.create(MainForm);
  377.   StatusMemo.parent := MainForm;
  378.   StatusMemo.left := 30;
  379.   Statusmemo.top := 50;
  380.   Statusmemo.width := 300;
  381.   StatusMemo.height := 300;
  383.   ErrMemo := TMemo.create(MainForm);
  384.   ErrMemo.parent := MainForm;
  385.   ErrMemo.left:=350;
  386.   ErrMemo.top:=50;
  387.   ErrMemo.width := 300;
  388.   ErrMemo.Height := 300;
  390.   StatusLabel := TLabel.create(Mainform);
  391.   STatusLabel.parent:=Mainform;
  392.   StatusLabel.left:=280;
  393.   StatusLabel.top := 20;
  394.   StatusLabel.caption:='Status';
  396.   MainForm.Caption := 'HI 271 Exchange version 0.1';
  398.   MainForm.Showmodal;
  399.   MainForm.free;
  406. end;
  409. end.
  414. end.


  • บุคคลทั่วไป
Re: HI 271 Exchange version 0.1
« ตอบกลับ #2 เมื่อ: ธันวาคม 07, 2006, 10:35:36 AM »
Begin 2006-12-06 22:27:34  End 2006-12-06 22:41:05
Structure upgrade done.
Checking Serial Number
Table xrayxn Has No primary key !!!
Table xrayexam Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_type_film Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_type Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_template Has primary key
Table xray_side Has primary key
Table xray_room Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_report_type Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_report_film Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_report Has primary key
Table xray_pt_status Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_order Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_items_group Has primary key
Table xray_items_film Has primary key
Table xray_items Has primary key
Table xray_image Has No primary key !!!
Table xray_head Has primary key
Table xray_film Has primary key
Table xray_damage Has primary key
Table web_var Has No primary key !!!
Table web_session Has No primary key !!!
Table web_board Has No primary key !!!
Table ward Has primary key
Table vn_stat Has primary key
Table vn_opd_complete Has primary key
Table vn_lock Has primary key
Table vn_insert Has primary key
Table visit_pttype Has No primary key !!!
Table visit_plan Has primary key
Table visit_note_department Has No primary key !!!
Table visit_note Has primary key
Table visit_name Has primary key
Table validitaken Has No primary key !!!
Table vaccine Has No primary key !!!
Table tmp_replicate_log Has primary key
Table tip_trick Has primary key
Table thaiaddress_region Has primary key
Table thaiaddress Has primary key
Table test Has No primary key !!!
Table tempreport Has No primary key !!!
Table tempmanoi_xp2 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempmanoi_xp1 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempdental1 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempcom41 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempblue_command1 Has No primary key !!!
Table tempball1 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp421d071 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412b091 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412b051 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412b031 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412a091 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412a071 Has No primary key !!!
Table temp412a061 Has No primary key !!!
Table table1 Has No primary key !!!
Table sys_var Has primary key
Table sys_app_script Has primary key
Table surveil_metropol Has primary key
Table surveil_member Has primary key
Table surveil_hospital Has primary key
Table stockconfig Has No primary key !!!
Table stock_warehouse Has primary key
Table stock_supplier_item Has primary key
Table stock_supplier_agent Has primary key
Table stock_supplier Has primary key
Table stock_purchase_type Has primary key
Table stock_po_detail Has primary key
Table stock_po Has primary key
Table stock_paid_status Has primary key
Table stock_ovst Has primary key
Table stock_opitemrece_err Has primary key
Table stock_opitemrece Has primary key
Table stock_item_warehouse Has No primary key !!!
Table stock_item_type Has primary key
Table stock_item_list Has primary key
Table stock_item_drugitems Has No primary key !!!
Table stock_item Has primary key
Table stock_drug_item Has primary key
Table stock_draw_list Has primary key
Table stock_draw Has primary key
Table stock_department Has primary key
Table stock_deliver_detail Has primary key
Table stock_deliver Has primary key
Table stock_card Has primary key
Table stock_budget Has primary key
Table stock_bdg_year Has primary key
Table stat_queue Has primary key
Table stat_clinic Has No primary key !!!
Table spclty Has primary key
Table sp_use Has No primary key !!!
Table sigtoidr Has No primary key !!!
Table sex Has No primary key !!!
Table service_time Has primary key
Table service_right Has No primary key !!!
Table service_pay Has No primary key !!!
Table serial Has primary key
Table scsystem Has No primary key !!!
Table scshare Has No primary key !!!
Table screen_doctor Has No primary key !!!
Table scpay Has No primary key !!!
Table scmember Has No primary key !!!
Table scloandt Has No primary key !!!
Table scloan Has No primary key !!!
Table sclendmoney Has No primary key !!!
Table schedule_task Has primary key
Table schedule_resource Has primary key
Table schedule_recurrence Has primary key
Table schedule Has primary key
Table scguarantorcut Has No primary key !!!
Table sccredit Has No primary key !!!
Table s_drugitems Has primary key
Table rx_operator Has primary key
Table rx_doctor Has No primary key !!!
Table rx_depcode Has No primary key !!!
Table rx_audit Has No primary key !!!
Table rtfreport Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_accident_name Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_accident_code Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_505_name Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_505_code Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_504_name Has No primary key !!!
Table rpt_504_code Has No primary key !!!
Table roomtype Has No primary key !!!
Table roomno Has primary key
Table room_reserve Has No primary key !!!
Table risk_report Has primary key
Table risk_relation_program Has primary key
Table risk_level Has primary key
Table rfrcs0 Has No primary key !!!
Table rfrcs Has No primary key !!!
Table reporttemplate_history Has No primary key !!!
Table reporttemplate Has primary key
Table report_access_log Has primary key
Table report506status Has primary key
Table replicate_slave Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_log Has primary key
Table replicate_lock Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_err Has No primary key !!!
Table replicate_cfg Has No primary key !!!
Table rent_reason Has primary key
Table religion Has No primary key !!!
Table regiment_type Has No primary key !!!
Table referout Has No primary key !!!
Table referin Has primary key
Table refer_reply Has primary key
Table refer_point_list Has primary key
Table refer_cause Has primary key
Table rcpt_print_detail Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_print Has primary key
Table rcpt_form Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_disease Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_debt_detail Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_debt Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_credit_detail Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_credit Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_arrear_detail Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_arrear Has No primary key !!!
Table rcpt_abort Has No primary key !!!
Table qno Has No primary key !!!
Table pttypeno Has No primary key !!!
Table pttypehistory Has No primary key !!!
Table pttype_multi Has No primary key !!!
Table pttype_log Has No primary key !!!
Table pttype Has primary key
Table ptnote Has primary key
Table pteroprt Has No primary key !!!
Table ptdepart Has No primary key !!!
Table ptcardno Has No primary key !!!
Table pt_subtype Has primary key
Table pt_priority Has primary key
Table pt_consult Has No primary key !!!
Table profile_print Has No primary key !!!
Table printserver Has No primary key !!!
Table printqueue Has No primary key !!!
Table presetdosageregimen Has No primary key !!!
Table pregnancy_category Has primary key
Table pq_screen Has No primary key !!!
Table pq_rxorder Has primary key
Table pq_opdcard_tag Has No primary key !!!
Table pq_opdcard Has No primary key !!!
Table pq_ipdorder Has No primary key !!!
Table pq_ipd_rxorder Has No primary key !!!
Table pq_doctor Has No primary key !!!
Table popdb Has No primary key !!!
Table pname_class Has No primary key !!!
Table pname Has No primary key !!!
Table physic_main Has primary key
Table physic_list Has primary key
Table physic_items Has primary key
Table pharmacology_group Has primary key
Table personsalary Has No primary key !!!
Table personid Has No primary key !!!
Table personcardtime Has No primary key !!!
Table person_type Has No primary key !!!
Table pe_template Has No primary key !!!
Table pe_image_list Has No primary key !!!
Table pe_image Has primary key
Table pe_code Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_replicate_log Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_replicate_cfg Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_node Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_home Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_hn Has No primary key !!!
Table pcu_child Has No primary key !!!
Table pcode Has primary key
Table patient_type Has primary key
Table patient_regiment Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_opd_scan Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_nc Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_ipd_scan Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_image Has No primary key !!!
Table patient_history Has primary key
Table patient_employer Has No primary key !!!
Table patient Has primary key
Table patch Has primary key
Table paidst Has primary key
Table ovstost Has No primary key !!!
Table ovstist Has No primary key !!!
Table ovstdiag Has primary key
Table ovst_finance Has primary key
Table ovst_department Has No primary key !!!
Table ovst_business_contact Has primary key
Table ovst Has primary key
Table ovaccident Has No primary key !!!
Table opitemreceh Has No primary key !!!
Table opitemrece_log Has No primary key !!!
Table opitemrece_finance_delete Has primary key
Table opitemrece_charge Has primary key
Table opitemrece Has primary key
Table operation_team Has primary key
Table operation_status Has primary key
Table operation_screen_in Has primary key
Table operation_scan Has primary key
Table operation_room Has primary key
Table operation_recovery_room Has primary key
Table operation_premed Has primary key
Table operation_position Has primary key
Table operation_list Has primary key
Table operation_item Has primary key
Table operation_invent Has primary key
Table operation_intra_complication Has primary key
Table operation_emergency Has primary key
Table operation_disease_list Has primary key
Table operation_disease Has primary key
Table operation_detail Has primary key
Table operation_complication Has primary key
Table operation_blood Has primary key
Table operation_anes_type Has primary key
Table operation_anes_technique Has primary key
Table operation_anes_invent Has primary key
Table operation_anes_detail Has primary key
Table operation_anes_asa Has primary key
Table operation_anes Has primary key
Table operation_agent Has primary key
Table oper_type Has primary key
Table oper_formula Has primary key
Table opduser Has primary key
Table opdscreening Has No primary key !!!
Table opdscreen_social Has primary key
Table opdscreen_bp Has No primary key !!!
Table opdscreen Has primary key
Table opdscan Has primary key
Table opdrent Has primary key
Table opdquickccscreen Has No primary key !!!
Table opdoprt Has No primary key !!!
Table opdnurse Has No primary key !!!
Table opdgroup Has primary key
Table opdconfig Has No primary key !!!
Table opd_observe Has primary key
Table opd_monitor Has primary key
Table opd_ill_history Has No primary key !!!
Table opd_card_request Has primary key
Table opd_allergy Has No primary key !!!
Table onlineuser Has No primary key !!!
Table onlineprintserver Has No primary key !!!
Table online_printserver Has No primary key !!!
Table oldpttypeno Has No primary key !!!
Table occupation Has No primary key !!!
Table observe_status Has primary key
Table oapp_perform Has primary key
Table oapp_lab Has primary key
Table oapp_contact Has No primary key !!!
Table oapp_cause Has No primary key !!!
Table oapp Has primary key
Table nutrition_type Has No primary key !!!
Table nutrition_items Has No primary key !!!
Table nursing_diagnosis Has primary key
Table nondrugitems Has primary key
Table nondrug_charge Has primary key
Table nhso_type_name Has primary key
Table nhso_offline_check Has primary key
Table newborn_iodine_screen Has primary key
Table ndrugtempreorder Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugstock Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugpayref Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugpaylist Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugminpdt Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugminp Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugitems Has No primary key !!!
Table ndruggroup Has No primary key !!!
Table ndrugdurable Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_table2 Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_stock1 Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_pnhn Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_patnew Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_patient2 Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_patient Has No primary key !!!
Table ncr_doctor Has No primary key !!!
Table nationality Has No primary key !!!
Table name506_form_image Has No primary key !!!
Table name506 Has No primary key !!!ผbr />Table mooaddress Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_water Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_temple Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_store Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_school Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_home_water Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_home_member Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_home_map Has primary key
Table moo_home_image Has No primary key !!!
Table moo_home_code Has primary key
Table moo_home Has No primary key !!!
Table monitor_criteria Has primary key
Table messagelog Has No primary key !!!
Table medreturn_ipd Has No primary key !!!
Table medplan_ipd Has primary key
Table medplan Has No primary key !!!
Table medpay_ipd_head Has No primary key !!!
Table medpay_ipd Has primary key
Table meal Has primary key
Table marrystatus Has No primary key !!!
Table mail_send Has primary key
Table mail_attachment Has primary key
Table labor_drug Has primary key
Table labor Has primary key
Table lab_status Has primary key
Table lab_specimen_items Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_specimen Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_routine_result Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_routine Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_order_image Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_order Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_opitemrece Has primary key
Table lab_lis_import Has primary key
Table lab_lis_export Has primary key
Table lab_items_visible Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_items_sub_group_list Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_items_sub_group Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_items_specimen Has primary key
Table lab_items_normal_list Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_items_map Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_items_group Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_items Has primary key
Table lab_head Has primary key
Table lab_form_head Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_form Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_fixed_report Has primary key
Table lab_entry_log Has primary key
Table lab_department Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_bethesda_head Has primary key
Table lab_bethesda_detail Has primary key
Table lab_app_order Has No primary key !!!
Table lab_app_head Has primary key
Table lab_access_log Has primary key
Table ksklog Has No primary key !!!
Table kskdocument Has No primary key !!!
Table kskdepartment Has primary key
Table kskbackuprule Has No primary key !!!
Table kkpopdb Has No primary key !!!
Table karaoke Has No primary key !!!
Table iptoprt Has No primary key !!!
Table iptdrugorder Has No primary key !!!
Table iptdiag Has primary key
Table iptdeath Has No primary key !!!
Table iptbedmove Has No primary key !!!
Table iptadm Has primary key
Table ipt_treatment_list Has primary key
Table ipt_queue Has primary key
Table ipt_pttype Has primary key
Table ipt_pregnancy_phase Has primary key
Table ipt_pregnancy_comp_list Has primary key
Table ipt_pregnancy_comp Has primary key
Table ipt_pregnancy Has primary key
Table ipt_order_no Has primary key
Table ipt_oper_code Has primary key
Table ipt_nutrition_order Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_nutrition Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_note Has primary key
Table ipt_nk2 Has primary key
Table ipt_newborn Has primary key
Table ipt_medication_type Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_income_auto_template Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_income_auto_charge Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_income_auto Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_discharge_note Has primary key
Table ipt_chart_state Has primary key
Table ipt_admit_stat Has primary key
Table ipt_admit_queue Has primary key
Table ipt_act_money Has No primary key !!!
Table ipt_accident Has primary key
Table ipt Has primary key
Table ipdrent Has No primary key !!!
Table ipd_nurse_note Has No primary key !!!
Table inv_substock_list Has primary key
Table intraweb Has No primary key !!!
Table injury Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_refer Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_injury Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_er Has No primary key !!!
Table inj_demo Has No primary key !!!
Table incoth_summary_head Has primary key
Table incoth_summary Has No primary key !!!
Table incoth Has No primary key !!!
Table income_std_group Has primary key
Table income_report_sss Has primary key
Table income_report4 Has No primary key !!!
Table income_report3 Has No primary key !!!
Table income_report2 Has No primary key !!!
Table income_report1 Has No primary key !!!
Table income_nk2 Has primary key
Table income_header Has No primary key !!!
Table income_group Has No primary key !!!
Table income_discount Has No primary key !!!
Table income_check Has No primary key !!!
Table income Has primary key
Table incith_summary Has No primary key !!!
Table incith_current Has primary key
Table incith_cashier Has primary key
Table incith_adjust Has primary key
Table incith Has No primary key !!!
Table inc_std_opd_stat Has primary key
Table inc_std_ipd_stat Has primary key
Table inc_opd_stat Has primary key
Table inc_opd_print Has No primary key !!!
Table inc_ipd_stat Has primary key
Table icd9cm3 Has No primary key !!!
Table icd9cm2 Has No primary key !!!
Table icd9cm1 Has primary key
Table icd10help Has No primary key !!!
Table icd10doctor Has No primary key !!!
Table icd103 Has No primary key !!!
Table icd102 Has No primary key !!!
Table icd101 Has primary key
Table hosxp_ddl_index Has No primary key !!!
Table hosxp_ddl_field Has No primary key !!!
Table hospital_department Has primary key
Table hospital Has primary key
Table hospcode_sss_main Has primary key
Table hospcode_cup_list Has primary key
Table hospcode_cup_detail Has primary key
Table hospcode Has primary key
Table hosis Has No primary key !!!
Table holiday Has No primary key !!!
Table hnlock Has primary key
Table hninsert Has No primary key !!!
Table hismember Has No primary key !!!
Table hipdatachw Has No primary key !!!
Table hipdata Has No primary key !!!
Table hinso1 Has No primary key !!!
Table health_screen Has primary key
Table health_med_list Has primary key
Table health_med_items Has primary key
Table gpsccode Has No primary key !!!
Table fpspclty Has No primary key !!!
Table fpmain Has No primary key !!!
Table fpapp Has No primary key !!!
Table fp_women Has No primary key !!!
Table fp_visit Has No primary key !!!
Table fp_member Has No primary key !!!
Table fp_code Has No primary key !!!
Table finance_status Has primary key
Table finance_deposit Has primary key
Table finance_check Has No primary key !!!
Table ffmember Has No primary key !!!
Table ffhealthcare Has No primary key !!!
Table ffhealth Has primary key
Table ffdeath Has No primary key !!!
Table ff_service_list Has primary key
Table ff_service Has primary key
Table ff_biography Has primary key
Table feature_request Has primary key
Table fbshistory Has primary key
Table family_person Has No primary key !!!
Table family_chart Has primary key
Table factordm Has No primary key !!!
Table eroprt Has No primary key !!!
Table eriscode Has No primary key !!!
Table eris Has No primary key !!!
Table erais Has No primary key !!!
Table er_regist_oper Has No primary key !!!
Table er_regist Has primary key
Table er_pt_type Has primary key
Table er_period Has primary key
Table er_oper_code Has primary key
Table er_nursing_record Has primary key
Table er_nursing_detail Has primary key
Table er_nursing_activity Has primary key
Table er_iv_list Has No primary key !!!
Table er_image Has primary key
Table er_emergency_type Has primary key
Table er_dch_type Has primary key
Table er_command Has No primary key !!!
Table er_activity Has primary key
Table entity_code Has primary key
Table education Has No primary key !!!
Table edoc_type Has primary key
Table edoc_transport Has primary key
Table edoc_status_list Has primary key
Table edoc_status Has primary key
Table edoc_send Has primary key
Table edoc_security Has primary key
Table edoc_scan Has primary key
Table edoc_priority Has primary key
Table edoc_objective Has primary key
Table edoc_list Has primary key
Table edoc_department_list Has primary key
Table edoc_command Has primary key
Table edoc_attachment Has primary key
Table edoc_activity_list Has primary key
Table dttmrpt Has No primary key !!!
Table dttm Has primary key
Table dtmain_ipd Has No primary key !!!
Table dtmain Has No primary key !!!
Table dtdn Has No primary key !!!
Table dtdetailmain Has No primary key !!!
Table dtdetail_name2 Has No primary key !!!
Table dtdetail_name Has primary key
Table dtdetail2 Has No primary key !!!
Table dtdetail Has No primary key !!!
Table dtapp Has No primary key !!!
Table dtacthistory Has No primary key !!!
Table dt_position Has primary key
Table dt_list Has primary key
Table dt_ipd_list_detail Has primary key
Table dt_ipd_list Has primary key
Table drugusage_line3 Has primary key
Table drugusage_line2 Has primary key
Table drugusage_line1 Has primary key
Table drugusage_default Has No primary key !!!
Table drugusage Has No primary key !!!
Table drugunits Has No primary key !!!
Table drugtempreorder Has No primary key !!!
Table drugsupport Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstrength Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstore_head Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstore_detail Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockproposeperson Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockproposeorder Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockproposedetail Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockpropose Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockpersontype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstockperson Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstock Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstickeridr Has No primary key !!!
Table drugstdgeneric Has No primary key !!!
Table drugsa Has No primary key !!!
Table drugrtype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugrequestsummary Has No primary key !!!
Table drugrequestdetail Has No primary key !!!
Table drugrecipient Has No primary key !!!
Table drugptype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugpotype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugphmtype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugpayref Has No primary key !!!
Table drugpaylist Has No primary key !!!
Table drugorderplan Has No primary key !!!
Table drugminptype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugminpdt Has No primary key !!!
Table drugminp Has No primary key !!!
Table drugjoin Has No primary key !!!
Table drugitemstype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugitems_picture Has No primary key !!!
Table drugitems_inc Has No primary key !!!
Table drugitems Has primary key
Table drughint Has primary key
Table druggpo Has No primary key !!!
Table drugeval Has No primary key !!!
Table drugessential Has No primary key !!!
Table drugdepartment Has No primary key !!!
Table drugcom Has No primary key !!!
Table drugbdgtype Has No primary key !!!
Table drugbarcode Has No primary key !!!
Table drugalias Has No primary key !!!
Table drug_user_check Has No primary key !!!
Table drug_interaction_type Has primary key
Table drug_interaction_incident Has No primary key !!!
Table drug_interaction Has primary key
Table drug_group_check Has No primary key !!!
Table drug_due_list Has primary key
Table drug_due Has primary key
Table drug_counseling_problem Has primary key
Table drug_counseling_list Has primary key
Table drgrw Has No primary key !!!
Table drgprocedure Has No primary key !!!
Table drgoutput Has No primary key !!!
Table drgopmain Has No primary key !!!
Table drgopadd Has No primary key !!!
Table drgnoncc Has No primary key !!!
Table drgmdc Has No primary key !!!
Table drgicd10 Has No primary key !!!
Table drgdxmain Has No primary key !!!
Table drgcc Has No primary key !!!
Table dosageform Has No primary key !!!
Table doraemon Has No primary key !!!
Table doctorscreen Has No primary key !!!
Table doctorptotlist Has No primary key !!!
Table doctor_schedule_type Has primary key
Table doctor_schedule Has primary key
Table doctor_rate_type Has primary key
Table doctor_print_job Has primary key
Table doctor_position Has primary key
Table doctor_pe_template Has No primary key !!!
Table doctor_order_print Has primary key
Table doctor_operation Has primary key
Table doctor_keyword Has No primary key !!!
Table doctor_formula Has No primary key !!!
Table doctor_fee_list Has primary key
Table doctor_consult_list Has No primary key !!!
Table doctor_consult Has primary key
Table doctor_cert_help1 Has primary key
Table doctor_cert Has primary key
Table doctor Has primary key
Table diagtype Has No primary key !!!
Table devnote Has No primary key !!!
Table dentop Has No primary key !!!
Table dental_icd Has No primary key !!!
Table debtor_dt Has No primary key !!!
Table debtor Has No primary key !!!
Table death Has primary key
Table dchtype Has No primary key !!!
Table dchstts Has No primary key !!!
Table datadictionary Has No primary key !!!
Table data_system Has No primary key !!!
Table data_synchronize Has primary key
Table cupsname Has No primary key !!!
Table cupsmoney Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2sh Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2rw Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2proc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2pcom Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2mscc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2mdcpr Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2icd10 Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2ccexc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2bimdc Has No primary key !!!
Table ct2ax Has No primary key !!!
Table credit_card_type Has No primary key !!!
Table contract_partner Has No primary key !!!
Table company_contact Has primary key
Table company_business Has primary key
Table comdep Has No primary key !!!
Table code506 Has No primary key !!!
Table code504 Has No primary key !!!
Table clinicmember Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_visit Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_transfer Has primary key
Table clinic_subtype Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_profile Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_persist_icd Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_miss_dose Has primary key
Table clinic_dys Has primary key
Table clinic_dm_refer_type Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_dm_member Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_cormobidity_list Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_cormobidity_diabete Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_cormobidity Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic_auto_lab Has No primary key !!!
Table clinic Has primary key
Table cause_id Has No primary key !!!
Table cardtype Has No primary key !!!
Table canaccess Has No primary key !!!
Table blood_type Has primary key
Table blood_rh Has primary key
Table blood_group Has primary key
Table bird_flu_screen Has primary key
Table billrece Has No primary key !!!
Table billbookreg Has primary key
Table bedtype Has No primary key !!!
Table bedno Has primary key
Table bb_unit Has primary key
Table bb_subgroup Has primary key
Table bb_status Has primary key
Table bb_sendertype Has primary key
Table bb_sender Has primary key
Table bb_receivetype Has primary key
Table bb_receivedetail Has primary key
Table bb_receive Has primary key
Table bb_place Has primary key
Table bb_issuetype Has primary key
Table bb_issuedetail Has primary key
Table bb_issue Has primary key
Table bb_bloodgroup Has primary key
Table bb_blood Has primary key
Table bb9_sender Has primary key
Table bb9_requestdetail Has primary key
Table bb9_request Has primary key
Table bb9_issuedetail Has primary key
Table bb9_bloodtype Has primary key
Table bb9_bloodhow Has primary key
Table bb9_bloodgroup Has primary key
Table bb9_bloodcheck Has primary key
Table bb9_blood Has primary key
Table backupx1 Has No primary key !!!
Table backupx Has No primary key !!!
Table backuplist Has No primary key !!!
Table baby_visit Has No primary key !!!
Table baby_nutrition Has primary key
Table baby_member Has primary key
Table baby_items Has No primary key !!!
Table baby_growth Has No primary key !!!
Table baby_development_status Has No primary key !!!
Table baby_development_list Has primary key
Table baby_bmi_visit Has primary key
Table baby_bmi Has primary key
Table appserver Has No primary key !!!
Table anlock Has primary key
Table aninsert Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_visit Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_screen Has primary key
Table anc_preg_history Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_midwife Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_member Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_items Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_ill_history Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_head Has primary key
Table anc_family_history Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_disease Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_detail Has primary key
Table anc_delivery Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_birthcontrol_history Has No primary key !!!
Table anc_birthcontrol Has No primary key !!!
Table an_stat Has primary key
Table al2mdc Has No primary key !!!
Table al2dc Has No primary key !!!
Table age_id Has primary key
Table accessoperation Has primary key
Table access_menu Has primary key
Import data to rpt_504_code
Import data to paidst
Import data to income_report_sss
Import data to income_group
Refresh base data
Update s_drugitems
Checking full_name in thaiaddress
Check income.drg_group
Check System Report
Check ICD9CM1
Check ICD10
Check patient prename
Update income dummy code
22:39:28 Update rcpt pttype done.
22:39:28 Begin update rcpt pttype.
22:39:28 Update booknumber done.
Update Xray head
22:39:28 Update booknumber (5,000 rec)
Process Arrear IPD
Process Arrear OPD
Update status on drugusage
Clear temporary table
No need to upgrade guid table opdscreen
No need to upgrade guid table patient
No need to upgrade guid table ovst
No need to upgrade guid table opitemrece
drop table tmp_xrayxn
Compare : xrayxn
GetCompareSQL : xrayxn
drop table tmp_xrayexam
Compare : xrayexam
GetCompareSQL : xrayexam
drop table tmp_xray_type_film
Compare : xray_type_film
GetCompareSQL : xray_type_film
drop table tmp_xray_type
Compare : xray_type
GetCompareSQL : xray_type
drop table tmp_xray_template
Compare : xray_template
GetCompareSQL : xray_template
drop table tmp_xray_side
Compare : xray_side
GetCompareSQL : xray_side
drop table tmp_xray_room
Compare : xray_room
GetCompareSQL : xray_room
drop table tmp_xray_report_type
Compare : xray_report_type
GetCompareSQL : xray_report_type
drop table tmp_xray_report_film
Compare : xray_report_film
GetCompareSQL : xray_report_film
drop table tmp_xray_report
Compare : xray_report
GetCompareSQL : xray_report
drop table tmp_xray_pt_status
Compare : xray_pt_status
GetCompareSQL : xray_pt_status
drop table tmp_xray_order
Compare : xray_order
GetCompareSQL : xray_order
drop table tmp_xray_items_group
Compare : xray_items_group
GetCompareSQL : xray_items_group
drop table tmp_xray_items_film
Compare : xray_items_film
GetCompareSQL : xray_items_film
drop table tmp_xray_items
Compare : xray_items
GetCompareSQL : xray_items
drop table tmp_xray_image
Compare : xray_image
GetCompareSQL : xray_image
drop table tmp_xray_head
Compare : xray_head
GetCompareSQL : xray_head
drop table tmp_xray_film
Compare : xray_film
GetCompareSQL : xray_film
drop table tmp_xray_damage
Compare : xray_damage
GetCompareSQL : xray_damage
drop table tmp_web_var
Compare : web_var
GetCompareSQL : web_var
drop table tmp_web_session
Compare : web_session
GetCompareSQL : web_session
drop table tmp_web_board
Compare : web_board
GetCompareSQL : web_board
drop table tmp_ward
Compare : ward
GetCompareSQL : ward
drop table tmp_vn_stat
Compare : vn_stat
GetCompareSQL : vn_stat
drop table tmp_vn_opd_complete
Compare : vn_opd_complete
GetCompareSQL : vn_opd_complete
drop table tmp_vn_lock
Compare : vn_lock
GetCompareSQL : vn_lock
drop table tmp_vn_insert
Compare : vn_insert
GetCompareSQL : vn_insert
drop table tmp_visit_pttype
Compare : visit_pttype
GetCompareSQL : visit_pttype
drop table tmp_visit_plan
Compare : visit_plan
GetCompareSQL : visit_plan
drop table tmp_visit_note_department
Compare : visit_note_department
GetCompareSQL : visit_note_department
drop table tmp_visit_note
Compare : visit_note
GetCompareSQL : visit_note
drop table tmp_visit_name
Compare : visit_name
GetCompareSQL : visit_name
drop table tmp_validitaken
Compare : validitaken
GetCompareSQL : validitaken
drop table tmp_vaccine
Compare : vaccine
GetCompareSQL : vaccine
drop table tmp_tip_trick
Compare : tip_trick
GetCompareSQL : tip_trick
drop table tmp_thaiaddress_region
Compare : thaiaddress_region
GetCompareSQL : thaiaddress_region
drop table tmp_thaiaddress
Compare : thaiaddress
GetCompareSQL : thaiaddress
drop table tmp_tempreport
Compare : tempreport
GetCompareSQL : tempreport
drop table tmp_table1
Compare : table1
GetCompareSQL : table1
drop table tmp_sys_var
Compare : sys_var
GetCompareSQL : sys_var
drop table tmp_sys_app_script
Compare : sys_app_script
GetCompareSQL : sys_app_script
drop table tmp_surveil_metropol
Compare : surveil_metropol
GetCompareSQL : surveil_metropol
drop table tmp_surveil_member
Compare : surveil_member
GetCompareSQL : surveil_member
drop table tmp_surveil_hospital
Compare : surveil_hospital
GetCompareSQL : surveil_hospital
drop table tmp_stockconfig
Compare : stockconfig
GetCompareSQL : stockconfig
drop table tmp_stock_warehouse
Compare : stock_warehouse
GetCompareSQL : stock_warehouse
drop table tmp_stock_supplier_item
Compare : stock_supplier_item
GetCompareSQL : stock_supplier_item
drop table tmp_stock_supplier_agent
Compare : stock_supplier_agent
GetCompareSQL : stock_supplier_agent
drop table tmp_stock_supplier
Compare : stock_supplier
GetCompareSQL : stock_supplier
drop table tmp_stock_purchase_type
Compare : stock_purchase_type
GetCompareSQL : stock_purchase_type
drop table tmp_stock_po_detail
Compare : stock_po_detail
GetCompareSQL : stock_po_detail
drop table tmp_stock_po
Compare : stock_po
GetCompareSQL : stock_po
drop table tmp_stock_paid_status
Compare : stock_paid_status
GetCompareSQL : stock_paid_status
drop table tmp_stock_ovst
Compare : stock_ovst
GetCompareSQL : stock_ovst
drop table tmp_stock_opitemrece_err
Compare : stock_opitemrece_err
GetCompareSQL : stock_opitemrece_err
drop table tmp_stock_opitemrece
Compare : stock_opitemrece
GetCompareSQL : stock_opitemrece
drop table tmp_stock_item_warehouse
Compare : stock_item_warehouse
GetCompareSQL : stock_item_warehouse
drop table tmp_stock_item_type
Compare : stock_item_type
GetCompareSQL : stock_item_type
drop table tmp_stock_item_list
Compare : stock_item_list
GetCompareSQL : stock_item_list
drop table tmp_stock_item_drugitems
Compare : stock_item_drugitems
GetCompareSQL : stock_item_drugitems
drop table tmp_stock_item
Compare : stock_item
GetCompareSQL : stock_item
drop table tmp_stock_drug_item
Compare : stock_drug_item
GetCompareSQL : stock_drug_item
drop table tmp_stock_draw_list
Compare : stock_draw_list
GetCompareSQL : stock_draw_list
drop table tmp_stock_draw
Compare : stock_draw
GetCompareSQL : stock_draw
drop table tmp_stock_department
Compare : stock_department
GetCompareSQL : stock_department
drop table tmp_stock_deliver_detail
Compare : stock_deliver_detail
GetCompareSQL : stock_deliver_detail
drop table tmp_stock_deliver
Compare : stock_deliver
GetCompareSQL : stock_deliver
drop table tmp_stock_card
Compare : stock_card
GetCompareSQL : stock_card
drop table tmp_stock_budget
Compare : stock_budget
GetCompareSQL : stock_budget
drop table tmp_stock_bdg_year
Compare : stock_bdg_year
GetCompareSQL : stock_bdg_year
drop table tmp_stat_queue
Compare : stat_queue
GetCompareSQL : stat_queue
drop table tmp_stat_clinic
Compare : stat_clinic
GetCompareSQL : stat_clinic
drop table tmp_spclty
Compare : spclty
GetCompareSQL : spclty
drop table tmp_sp_use
Compare : sp_use
GetCompareSQL : sp_use
drop table tmp_sigtoidr
Compare : sigtoidr
GetCompareSQL : sigtoidr
drop table tmp_sex
Compare : sex
GetCompareSQL : sex
drop table tmp_service_time
Compare : service_time
GetCompareSQL : service_time
drop table tmp_service_right
Compare : service_right
GetCompareSQL : service_right
drop table tmp_service_pay
Compare : service_pay
GetCompareSQL : service_pay
drop table tmp_serial
Compare : serial
GetCompareSQL : serial
drop table tmp_scsystem
Compare : scsystem
GetCompareSQL : scsystem
drop table tmp_scshare
Compare : scshare
GetCompareSQL : scshare
drop table tmp_screen_doctor
Compare : screen_doctor
GetCompareSQL : screen_doctor
drop table tmp_scpay
Compare : scpay
GetCompareSQL : scpay
drop table tmp_scmember
Compare : scmember
GetCompareSQL : scmember
drop table tmp_scloandt
Compare : scloandt
GetCompareSQL : scloandt
drop table tmp_scloan
Compare : scloan
GetCompareSQL : scloan
drop table tmp_sclendmoney
Compare : sclendmoney
GetCompareSQL : sclendmoney
drop table tmp_schedule_task
Compare : schedule_task
GetCompareSQL : schedule_task
drop table tmp_schedule_resource
Compare : schedule_resource
GetCompareSQL : schedule_resource
drop table tmp_schedule_recurrence
Compare : schedule_recurrence
GetCompareSQL : schedule_recurrence
drop table tmp_schedule
Compare : schedule
GetCompareSQL : schedule
drop table tmp_scguarantorcut
Compare : scguarantorcut
GetCompareSQL : scguarantorcut
drop table tmp_sccredit
Compare : sccredit
GetCompareSQL : sccredit
drop table tmp_s_drugitems
Compare : s_drugitems
GetCompareSQL : s_drugitems
drop table tmp_rx_operator
Compare : rx_operator
GetCompareSQL : rx_operator
drop table tmp_rx_doctor
Compare : rx_doctor
GetCompareSQL : rx_doctor
drop table tmp_rx_depcode
Compare : rx_depcode
GetCompareSQL : rx_depcode
drop table tmp_rx_audit
Compare : rx_audit
GetCompareSQL : rx_audit
drop table tmp_rtfreport
Compare : rtfreport
GetCompareSQL : rtfreport
drop table tmp_rpt_accident_name
Compare : rpt_accident_name
GetCompareSQL : rpt_accident_name
drop table tmp_rpt_accident_code
Compare : rpt_accident_code
GetCompareSQL : rpt_accident_code
drop table tmp_rpt_505_name
Compare : rpt_505_name
GetCompareSQL : rpt_505_name
drop table tmp_rpt_505_code
Compare : rpt_505_code
GetCompareSQL : rpt_505_code
drop table tmp_rpt_504_name
Compare : rpt_504_name
GetCompareSQL : rpt_504_name
drop table tmp_rpt_504_code
Compare : rpt_504_code
GetCompareSQL : rpt_504_code
drop table tmp_roomtype
Compare : roomtype
GetCompareSQL : roomtype
drop table tmp_roomno
Compare : roomno
GetCompareSQL : roomno
drop table tmp_room_reserve
Compare : room_reserve
GetCompareSQL : room_reserve
drop table tmp_risk_report
Compare : risk_report
GetCompareSQL : risk_report
drop table tmp_risk_relation_program
Compare : risk_relation_program
GetCompareSQL : risk_relation_program
drop table tmp_risk_level
Compare : risk_level
GetCompareSQL : risk_level
drop table tmp_rfrcs
Compare : rfrcs
GetCompareSQL : rfrcs
drop table tmp_reporttemplate_history
Compare : reporttemplate_history
GetCompareSQL : reporttemplate_history
drop table tmp_reporttemplate
Compare : reporttemplate
GetCompareSQL : reporttemplate
drop table tmp_report_access_log
Compare : report_access_log
GetCompareSQL : report_access_log
drop table tmp_report506status
Compare : report506status
GetCompareSQL : report506status
drop table tmp_replicate_slave
Compare : replicate_slave
GetCompareSQL : replicate_slave
drop table tmp_replicate_lock
Compare : replicate_lock
GetCompareSQL : replicate_lock
drop table tmp_replicate_err
Compare : replicate_err
GetCompareSQL : replicate_err
drop table tmp_replicate_cfg
Compare : replicate_cfg
GetCompareSQL : replicate_cfg
drop table tmp_rent_reason
Compare : rent_reason
GetCompareSQL : rent_reason
drop table tmp_religion
Compare : religion
GetCompareSQL : religion
drop table tmp_regiment_type
Compare : regiment_type
GetCompareSQL : regiment_type
drop table tmp_referout
Compare : referout
GetCompareSQL : referout
drop table tmp_referin
Compare : referin
GetCompareSQL : referin
drop table tmp_refer_reply
Compare : refer_reply
GetCompareSQL : refer_reply
drop table tmp_refer_point_list
Compare : refer_point_list
GetCompareSQL : refer_point_list
drop table tmp_refer_cause
Compare : refer_cause
GetCompareSQL : refer_cause
drop table tmp_rcpt_print_detail
Compare : rcpt_print_detail
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_print_detail
drop table tmp_rcpt_print
Compare : rcpt_print
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_print
drop table tmp_rcpt_form
Compare : rcpt_form
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_form
drop table tmp_rcpt_disease
Compare : rcpt_disease
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_disease
drop table tmp_rcpt_debt_detail
Compare : rcpt_debt_detail
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_debt_detail
drop table tmp_rcpt_debt
Compare : rcpt_debt
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_debt
drop table tmp_rcpt_credit_detail
Compare : rcpt_credit_detail
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_credit_detail
drop table tmp_rcpt_credit
Compare : rcpt_credit
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_credit
drop table tmp_rcpt_arrear_detail
Compare : rcpt_arrear_detail
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_arrear_detail
drop table tmp_rcpt_arrear
Compare : rcpt_arrear
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_arrear
drop table tmp_rcpt_abort
Compare : rcpt_abort
GetCompareSQL : rcpt_abort
drop table tmp_qno
Compare : qno
GetCompareSQL : qno
drop table tmp_pttypeno
Compare : pttypeno
GetCompareSQL : pttypeno
drop table tmp_pttypehistory
Compare : pttypehistory
GetCompareSQL : pttypehistory
drop table tmp_pttype_multi
Compare : pttype_multi
GetCompareSQL : pttype_multi
drop table tmp_pttype_log
Compare : pttype_log
GetCompareSQL : pttype_log
drop table tmp_pttype
Compare : pttype
alter table pttype add  print_csmb_statement char(1)
alter table pttype add  allow_finance_edit char(1)
GetCompareSQL : pttype
drop table tmp_ptnote
Compare : ptnote
GetCompareSQL : ptnote
drop table tmp_pteroprt
Compare : pteroprt
GetCompareSQL : pteroprt
drop table tmp_ptdepart
Compare : ptdepart
GetCompareSQL : ptdepart
drop table tmp_ptcardno
Compare : ptcardno
GetCompareSQL : ptcardno
drop table tmp_pt_subtype
Compare : pt_subtype
GetCompareSQL : pt_subtype
drop table tmp_pt_priority
Compare : pt_priority
GetCompareSQL : pt_priority
drop table tmp_pt_consult
Compare : pt_consult
GetCompareSQL : pt_consult
drop table tmp_profile_print
Compare : profile_print
GetCompareSQL : profile_print
drop table tmp_printserver
Compare : printserver
GetCompareSQL : printserver
drop table tmp_printqueue
Compare : printqueue
GetCompareSQL : printqueue
drop table tmp_presetdosageregimen
Compare : presetdosageregimen
GetCompareSQL : presetdosageregimen
drop table tmp_pregnancy_category
Compare : pregnancy_category
GetCompareSQL : pregnancy_category
drop table tmp_pq_screen
Compare : pq_screen
GetCompareSQL : pq_screen
drop table tmp_pq_rxorder
Compare : pq_rxorder
GetCompareSQL : pq_rxorder
drop table tmp_pq_opdcard_tag
Compare : pq_opdcard_tag
GetCompareSQL : pq_opdcard_tag
drop table tmp_pq_opdcard
Compare : pq_opdcard
GetCompareSQL : pq_opdcard
drop table tmp_pq_ipdorder
Compare : pq_ipdorder
GetCompareSQL : pq_ipdorder
drop table tmp_pq_ipd_rxorder
Compare : pq_ipd_rxorder
GetCompareSQL : pq_ipd_rxorder
drop table tmp_pq_doctor
Compare : pq_doctor
GetCompareSQL : pq_doctor
drop table tmp_popdb
Compare : popdb
GetCompareSQL : popdb
drop table tmp_pname_class
Compare : pname_class
GetCompareSQL : pname_class
drop table tmp_pname
Compare : pname
GetCompareSQL : pname
drop table tmp_physic_main
Compare : physic_main
GetCompareSQL : physic_main
drop table tmp_physic_list
Compare : physic_list
GetCompareSQL : physic_list
drop table tmp_physic_items
Compare : physic_items
GetCompareSQL : physic_items
drop table tmp_pharmacology_group
Compare : pharmacology_group
GetCompareSQL : pharmacology_group
drop table tmp_personsalary
Compare : personsalary
GetCompareSQL : personsalary
drop table tmp_personid
Compare : personid
GetCompareSQL : personid
drop table tmp_personcardtime
Compare : personcardtime
GetCompareSQL : personcardtime
drop table tmp_person_type
Compare : person_type
GetCompareSQL : person_type
drop table tmp_pe_template
Compare : pe_template
GetCompareSQL : pe_template
drop table tmp_pe_image_list
Compare : pe_image_list
GetCompareSQL : pe_image_list
drop table tmp_pe_image
Compare : pe_image
GetCompareSQL : pe_image
drop table tmp_pe_code
Compare : pe_code
GetCompareSQL : pe_code
drop table tmp_pcu_replicate_log
Compare : pcu_replicate_log
GetCompareSQL : pcu_replicate_log
drop table tmp_pcu_replicate_cfg
Compare : pcu_replicate_cfg
GetCompareSQL : pcu_replicate_cfg
drop table tmp_pcu_node
Compare : pcu_node
GetCompareSQL : pcu_node
drop table tmp_pcu_home
Compare : pcu_home
GetCompareSQL : pcu_home
drop table tmp_pcu_hn
Compare : pcu_hn
GetCompareSQL : pcu_hn
drop table tmp_pcu_child
Compare : pcu_child
GetCompareSQL : pcu_child
drop table tmp_pcode
Compare : pcode
GetCompareSQL : pcode
drop table tmp_patient_type
Compare : patient_type
GetCompareSQL : patient_type
drop table tmp_patient_regiment
Compare : patient_regiment
GetCompareSQL : patient_regiment
drop table tmp_patient_opd_scan
Compare : patient_opd_scan
GetCompareSQL : patient_opd_scan
drop table tmp_patient_nc
Compare : patient_nc
GetCompareSQL : patient_nc
drop table tmp_patient_ipd_scan
Compare : patient_ipd_scan
GetCompareSQL : patient_ipd_scan
drop table tmp_patient_image
Compare : patient_image
GetCompareSQL : patient_image
drop table tmp_patient_history
Compare : patient_history
GetCompareSQL : patient_history
drop table tmp_patient_employer
Compare : patient_employer
GetCompareSQL : patient_employer
drop table tmp_patient
Compare : patient
alter table patient add  addr_soi varchar(100)
GetCompareSQL : patient
drop table tmp_patch
Compare : patch
GetCompareSQL : patch
drop table tmp_paidst
Compare : paidst
GetCompareSQL : paidst
drop table tmp_ovstost
Compare : ovstost
GetCompareSQL : ovstost
drop table tmp_ovstist
Compare : ovstist
GetCompareSQL : ovstist
drop table tmp_ovstdiag
Compare : ovstdiag
GetCompareSQL : ovstdiag
drop table tmp_ovst_finance
Compare : ovst_finance
GetCompareSQL : ovst_finance
drop table tmp_ovst_department
Compare : ovst_department
GetCompareSQL : ovst_department
drop table tmp_ovst_business_contact
Compare : ovst_business_contact
GetCompareSQL : ovst_business_contact
drop table tmp_ovst
Compare : ovst
GetCompareSQL : ovst
drop table tmp_ovaccident
Compare : ovaccident
GetCompareSQL : ovaccident
drop table tmp_opitemreceh
Compare : opitemreceh
GetCompareSQL : opitemreceh
alter table tmp_opitemrece_log rename to opitemrece_log
drop table opitemrece_log
insert ignore into tmp_opitemrece_log (`opitemrece_log_id`,`vn`,`department`,`event_date_time`,`staff`,`station`,`old_delta`,`new_delta`) select `opitemrece_log_id`,`vn`,`department`,`event_date_time`,`staff`,`station`,`old_delta`,`new_delta` from opitemrece_log limit 0,10000
drop table tmp_opitemrece_finance_delete
Compare : opitemrece_finance_delete
GetCompareSQL : opitemrece_finance_delete
drop table tmp_opitemrece_charge
Compare : opitemrece_charge
GetCompareSQL : opitemrece_charge
drop table tmp_opitemrece
Compare : opitemrece
GetCompareSQL : opitemrece
drop table tmp_operation_team
Compare : operation_team
GetCompareSQL : operation_team
drop table tmp_operation_status
Compare : operation_status
GetCompareSQL : operation_status
drop table tmp_operation_screen_in
Compare : operation_screen_in
GetCompareSQL : operation_screen_in
drop table tmp_operation_scan
Compare : operation_scan
GetCompareSQL : operation_scan
drop table tmp_operation_room
Compare : operation_room
GetCompareSQL : operation_room
drop table tmp_operation_recovery_room
Compare : operation_recovery_room
GetCompareSQL : operation_recovery_room
drop table tmp_operation_premed
Compare : operation_premed
GetCompareSQL : operation_premed
drop table tmp_operation_position
Compare : operation_position
GetCompareSQL : operation_position
drop table tmp_operation_list
Compare : operation_list
GetCompareSQL : operation_list
drop table tmp_operation_item
Compare : operation_item
GetCompareSQL : operation_item
drop table tmp_operation_invent
Compare : operation_invent
GetCompareSQL : operation_invent
drop table tmp_operation_intra_complication
Compare : operation_intra_complication
GetCompareSQL : operation_intra_complication
drop table tmp_operation_emergency
Compare : operation_emergency
GetCompareSQL : operation_emergency
drop table tmp_operation_disease_list
Compare : operation_disease_list
GetCompareSQL : operation_disease_list
drop table tmp_operation_disease
Compare : operation_disease
GetCompareSQL : operation_disease
drop table tmp_operation_detail
Compare : operation_detail
GetCompareSQL : operation_detail
drop table tmp_operation_complication
Compare : operation_complication
GetCompareSQL : operation_complication
drop table tmp_operation_blood
Compare : operation_blood
GetCompareSQL : operation_blood
drop table tmp_operation_anes_type
Compare : operation_anes_type
GetCompareSQL : operation_anes_type
drop table tmp_operation_anes_technique
Compare : operation_anes_technique
GetCompareSQL : operation_anes_technique
drop table tmp_operation_anes_invent
Compare : operation_anes_invent
GetCompareSQL : operation_anes_invent
drop table tmp_operation_anes_detail
Compare : operation_anes_detail
GetCompareSQL : operation_anes_detail
drop table tmp_operation_anes_asa
Compare : operation_anes_asa
GetCompareSQL : operation_anes_asa
drop table tmp_operation_anes
Compare : operation_anes
GetCompareSQL : operation_anes
drop table tmp_operation_agent
Compare : operation_agent
GetCompareSQL : operation_agent
drop table tmp_oper_type
Compare : oper_type
GetCompareSQL : oper_type
drop table tmp_oper_formula
Compare : oper_formula
GetCompareSQL : oper_formula
drop table tmp_opduser
Compare : opduser
GetCompareSQL : opduser
drop table tmp_opdscreening
Compare : opdscreening
GetCompareSQL : opdscreening
drop table tmp_opdscreen_social
Compare : opdscreen_social
GetCompareSQL : opdscreen_social
drop table tmp_opdscreen_bp
Compare : opdscreen_bp
GetCompareSQL : opdscreen_bp
drop table tmp_opdscreen
Compare : opdscreen
GetCompareSQL : opdscreen
drop table tmp_opdscan
Compare : opdscan
GetCompareSQL : opdscan
drop table tmp_opdrent
Compare : opdrent
GetCompareSQL : opdrent
drop table tmp_opdquickccscreen
Compare : opdquickccscreen
GetCompareSQL : opdquickccscreen
drop table tmp_opdoprt
Compare : opdoprt
GetCompareSQL : opdoprt
drop table tmp_opdnurse
Compare : opdnurse
GetCompareSQL : opdnurse
drop table tmp_opdgroup
Compare : opdgroup
GetCompareSQL : opdgroup
drop table tmp_opdconfig
Compare : opdconfig
GetCompareSQL : opdconfig
drop table tmp_opd_observe
Compare : opd_observe
GetCompareSQL : opd_observe
drop table tmp_opd_monitor
Compare : opd_monitor
GetCompareSQL : opd_monitor
drop table tmp_opd_ill_history
Compare : opd_ill_history
GetCompareSQL : opd_ill_history
drop table tmp_opd_card_request
Compare : opd_card_request
GetCompareSQL : opd_card_request
drop table tmp_opd_allergy
Compare : opd_allergy
GetCompareSQL : opd_allergy
drop table tmp_onlineuser
Compare : onlineuser
GetCompareSQL : onlineuser
drop table tmp_onlineprintserver
Compare : onlineprintserver
GetCompareSQL : onlineprintserver
drop table tmp_online_printserver
Compare : online_printserver
GetCompareSQL : online_printserver
drop table tmp_oldpttypeno
Compare : oldpttypeno
GetCompareSQL : oldpttypeno
drop table tmp_occupation
Compare : occupation
GetCompareSQL : occupation
drop table tmp_observe_status
Compare : observe_status
GetCompareSQL : observe_status
drop table tmp_oapp_perform
Compare : oapp_perform
GetCompareSQL : oapp_perform
drop table tmp_oapp_lab
Compare : oapp_lab
GetCompareSQL : oapp_lab
drop table tmp_oapp_contact
Compare : oapp_contact
GetCompareSQL : oapp_contact
drop table tmp_oapp_cause
Compare : oapp_cause
GetCompareSQL : oapp_cause
drop table tmp_oapp
Compare : oapp
GetCompareSQL : oapp
drop table tmp_nutrition_type
Compare : nutrition_type
GetCompareSQL : nutrition_type
drop table tmp_nutrition_items
Compare : nutrition_items
GetCompareSQL : nutrition_items
drop table tmp_nursing_diagnosis
Compare : nursing_diagnosis
GetCompareSQL : nursing_diagnosis
drop table tmp_nondrugitems
Compare : nondrugitems
GetCompareSQL : nondrugitems
drop table tmp_nondrug_charge
Compare : nondrug_charge
GetCompareSQL : nondrug_charge
drop table tmp_nhso_type_name
Compare : nhso_type_name
GetCompareSQL : nhso_type_name
drop table tmp_nhso_offline_check
Compare : nhso_offline_check
GetCompareSQL : nhso_offline_check
drop table tmp_newborn_iodine_screen
Compare : newborn_iodine_screen
GetCompareSQL : newborn_iodine_screen
drop table tmp_ndrugtempreorder
Compare : ndrugtempreorder
GetCompareSQL : ndrugtempreorder
drop table tmp_ndrugstock
Compare : ndrugstock
GetCompareSQL : ndrugstock
drop table tmp_ndrugpayref
Compare : ndrugpayref
GetCompareSQL : ndrugpayref
drop table tmp_ndrugpaylist
Compare : ndrugpaylist
GetCompareSQL : ndrugpaylist
drop table tmp_ndrugminpdt
Compare : ndrugminpdt
GetCompareSQL : ndrugminpdt
drop table tmp_ndrugminp
Compare : ndrugminp
GetCompareSQL : ndrugminp
drop table tmp_ndrugitems
Compare : ndrugitems
GetCompareSQL : ndrugitems
drop table tmp_ndruggroup
Compare : ndruggroup
GetCompareSQL : ndruggroup
drop table tmp_ndrugdurable
Compare : ndrugdurable
GetCompareSQL : ndrugdurable
drop table tmp_ncr_table2
Compare : ncr_table2
GetCompareSQL : ncr_table2
drop table tmp_ncr_stock1
Compare : ncr_stock1
GetCompareSQL : ncr_stock1
drop table tmp_ncr_pnhn
Compare : ncr_pnhn
GetCompareSQL : ncr_pnhn
drop table tmp_ncr_patnew
Compare : ncr_patnew
GetCompareSQL : ncr_patnew
drop table tmp_ncr_patient2
Compare : ncr_patient2
GetCompareSQL : ncr_patient2
drop table tmp_ncr_patient
Compare : ncr_patient
GetCompareSQL : ncr_patient
drop table tmp_ncr_doctor
Compare : ncr_doctor
GetCompareSQL : ncr_doctor
drop table tmp_nationality
Compare : nationality
GetCompareSQL : nationality
drop table tmp_name506_form_image
Compare : name506_form_image
GetCompareSQL : name506_form_image
drop table tmp_name506
Compare : name506
GetCompareSQL : name506
drop table tmp_mooaddress
Compare : mooaddress
GetCompareSQL : mooaddress
drop table tmp_moo_water
Compare : moo_water
GetCompareSQL : moo_water
drop table tmp_moo_temple
Compare : moo_temple
GetCompareSQL : moo_temple
drop table tmp_moo_store
Compare : moo_store
GetCompareSQL : moo_store
drop table tmp_moo_school
Compare : moo_school
GetCompareSQL : moo_school
drop table tmp_moo_home_water
Compare : moo_home_water
GetCompareSQL : moo_home_water
drop table tmp_moo_home_member
Compare : moo_home_member
GetCompareSQL : moo_home_member
drop table tmp_moo_home_map
Compare : moo_home_map
GetCompareSQL : moo_home_map
drop table tmp_moo_home_image
Compare : moo_home_image
GetCompareSQL : moo_home_image
drop table tmp_moo_home_code
Compare : moo_home_code
GetCompareSQL : moo_home_code
drop table tmp_moo_home
Compare : moo_home
GetCompareSQL : moo_home
drop table tmp_monitor_criteria
Compare : monitor_criteria
GetCompareSQL : monitor_criteria
drop table tmp_messagelog
Compare : messagelog
GetCompareSQL : messagelog
drop table tmp_medreturn_ipd
Compare : medreturn_ipd
GetCompareSQL : medreturn_ipd
drop table tmp_medplan_ipd
Compare : medplan_ipd
GetCompareSQL : medplan_ipd
drop table tmp_medplan
Compare : medplan
GetCompareSQL : medplan
drop table tmp_medpay_ipd_head
Compare : medpay_ipd_head
GetCompareSQL : medpay_ipd_head
drop table tmp_medpay_ipd
Compare : medpay_ipd
GetCompareSQL : medpay_ipd
drop table tmp_meal
Compare : meal
GetCompareSQL : meal
drop table tmp_marrystatus
Compare : marrystatus
GetCompareSQL : marrystatus
drop table tmp_mail_send
Compare : mail_send
GetCompareSQL : mail_send
drop table tmp_mail_attachment
Compare : mail_attachment
GetCompareSQL : mail_attachment
drop table tmp_labor_drug
Compare : labor_drug
GetCompareSQL : labor_drug
drop table tmp_labor
Compare : labor
GetCompareSQL : labor
drop table tmp_lab_status
Compare : lab_status
GetCompareSQL : lab_status
drop table tmp_lab_specimen_items
Compare : lab_specimen_items
GetCompareSQL : lab_specimen_items
drop table tmp_lab_specimen
Compare : lab_specimen
GetCompareSQL : lab_specimen
drop table tmp_lab_routine_result
Compare : lab_routine_result
GetCompareSQL : lab_routine_result
drop table tmp_lab_routine
Compare : lab_routine
GetCompareSQL : lab_routine
drop table tmp_lab_order_image
Compare : lab_order_image
GetCompareSQL : lab_order_image
drop table tmp_lab_order
Compare : lab_order
GetCompareSQL : lab_order
drop table tmp_lab_opitemrece
Compare : lab_opitemrece
GetCompareSQL : lab_opitemrece
drop table tmp_lab_lis_import
Compare : lab_lis_import
GetCompareSQL : lab_lis_import
drop table tmp_lab_lis_export
Compare : lab_lis_export
GetCompareSQL : lab_lis_export
drop table tmp_lab_items_visible
Compare : lab_items_visible
GetCompareSQL : lab_items_visible
drop table tmp_lab_items_sub_group_list
Compare : lab_items_sub_group_list
GetCompareSQL : lab_items_sub_group_list
drop table tmp_lab_items_sub_group
Compare : lab_items_sub_group
GetCompareSQL : lab_items_sub_group
drop table tmp_lab_items_specimen
Compare : lab_items_specimen
GetCompareSQL : lab_items_specimen
drop table tmp_lab_items_normal_list
Compare : lab_items_normal_list
GetCompareSQL : lab_items_normal_list
drop table tmp_lab_items_map
Compare : lab_items_map
GetCompareSQL : lab_items_map
drop table tmp_lab_items_group<

ออฟไลน์ manoi

  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • กระทู้: 8,669
  • Respect: +170
    • ดูรายละเอียด
    • HOSxP Community Center
Re: HI 271 Exchange version 0.1
« ตอบกลับ #3 เมื่อ: ธันวาคม 07, 2006, 19:35:27 PM »
 ??? ??? ???
HOSxP Project Manager / Cheif Developer / BMS MD