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HOSxP => Report Exchange => ข้อความที่เริ่มโดย: Knott ที่ เมษายน 05, 2010, 09:56:12 AM
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ขอบคุณมากๆๆครับ ดีใจจัง ขอคำชี้เเนะ เรื่องนี้หน่อยครับอาจารย์ครับ ผมทำรายงาน หาข้อมูลผู้ป่วย 5 ปี ย้อนหลังถึงปัจจุบัน คือ นับจากวันที่ปัจจุบันย้อยหลังไป 5 ปี ของทุกๆวันนะครับ ให้ใส่ hn เริ่มต้น เเละhn สิ้นสุด นะครับ หัวหน้าจะเอาไปใช้ที่ห้องบัตรนะครับ
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select hn,pname,fname,lname,last_visit
from patient
where hn>='000000001' and hn<='000010000' order by substr(hn,8,2) limit 1000
BAN ด่วน!!!
BAN ด้วยเรื่องอะไรครับ อ.udomchok ผมทำอะไรผิดหรือครับ
BAN ด่วน!!!
BAN ด้วยเรื่องอะไรครับ อ.udomchok ผมทำอะไรผิดหรือครับ
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;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
wow power leveling (,
In the 21st century technology is developing very power leveling Advanced technological wonders still keep on surprising us and making us wait for more and more comfort that they create. One of them is television,which has been popular throughout the world, and there is no country, region or village where people don't know what a TV is. It is also commonly considered that Television has both advantages and disadvantages and for one it is very difficult to decide what to watch and if to watch at all. Certainly, television is the main source of information. Daily people listen and watch a short news sequence that provides us with the necessary information and keeps informed during the day. Also, no doubt, television is the way to entertain oneself, for it offers a variety of possibilities to have fun sitting on your couch and relaxing. Another way to capture people's minds on a live TV screen is advertisement. Commercials have become inseparable part of broadcasting and live coverage. Even favorite movies are interrupted by short ad. Though commercials are what holds television together and there's nobody who can prove this wrong. Besides there have to be some ways to show what lies on the shelves at supermarkets. When it comes to disadvantages one may prepare for a long story, but after all, despite these trifles we continue to do it, no matter what we are said.
aoc gold (,
It is harmful to stay in front of the TV for a long time.aoc gold It spoils our eyes and health, doctors say. But the same thing happens when we read articles or interesting narrative essays for a long time. Same story with the computer, nothing harms our sight this much. As for the information that we constantly see on TV, it is a miracle how one can watch it
age of conan power leveling (,
without getting crazy.age of conan power leveling Ineling if to watch three or more reality shows in a row it makes you at first confused than frustrated and then constantly unsatisfied and angry. It is also same story with movies. It is almost impossible to find a movie without blood spilling around and angry man fighting for God knows what. Of course a nice narrative essay can be put aside when something similar comes up. Now movies are rated, but who pays attention to that little geometric figure in the corner of your screen? As soon as movie is good, nobody cares to think about its influence on their children.
wow gold (,
Television makes people physically gold It is impossible to stand up and go for a walk when your favorite soap opera is coming up. You leave everything undone and rush to see what happens next and stay glued to the screen till it's over. Then another are another comes and you slowly but surely turn into a couch potato with health problems as in mental, as in physical field. What makes us glue ourselves to the TV screen and go to bed with a TV on? It's quite time to break the habit and start reading something useful, for example, the article about harm and advantages of watching TV.
maple story mesos (,
As my point of view,everything has two sides,the good side and the bad side,or the bright side and dark side,of course,television is just one of these things,it's no doubt that Television play an important role in our daily life, but for our health sake,do not overdo it!
wow power leveling (,
;D ;D ??? ??? ???
;D ;D ;D ประมาณนั้นครับ ช่วงนี้ชักเริ่มเข้ามาถี่ กำลังสงสัยอยู่ว่าเป็นเพราะบอร์ดเราดังหรือเป็นเพราะมันว่างงาน ฮิ ฮิ ฮิ ;D ;D ;D
อ่อ ตกใจนึกว่าผมทำอะไรผิดครับ
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พี่นอทเกือบโดนแบนแล้ว 555+
;D ;D ;D ประมาณนั้นครับ ช่วงนี้ชักเริ่มเข้ามาถี่ กำลังสงสัยอยู่ว่าเป็นเพราะบอร์ดเราดังหรือเป็นเพราะมันว่างงาน ฮิ ฮิ ฮิ ;D ;D ;D
โถวๆๆโดนแบนซะแล้ว..อุตส่าห์สมัครสมาชิกนะนั่น ;D
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;D ;D ;D